HCA 13/72 f.508v Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.508v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to that purpose for all the time aforesaid had and have th[eir]
ffactors and Agents resident at the Bahia fernambuco and other
parts and places in the Brazeele, as this deponent well knoweth and
is assured by meanes of such his relation and experience as afore[said]
And further to this Article hee deposeth not/

To the second Article hee saith, That the said shipp the Nostra
Seniora da Rosario Saint Gonsalvo arlate did depart from the
Port of Lisbone aforesaid bound for the Brayeele in or about
the moneth of december .1656. and arrived at ffernambuco in or
about the moneth of March then next ensueing, and that the
shipp was sett out from Lisbone by John Martins Cascaias [?XX]
a Subject of the said king of Portugall and sole Owner of the
said shipp, And that the designe and imployment upon which the
said shipp so went was to lade sugars and other goods and Merchan=
=dises at the Brazeel in the said kings dominions, and
bring the same from thence to Lisbone. The premisses, hee saith
hee well knoweth to be true, for that he this deponent by the [?XXXXXX]
appointment of the said Owner and at his charges went Master
of the said shipp upon the said voiage. And further to this
article hee deposeth not./

To the third article of the said Allegation he saieth, That upon the
arrivall of the said shipp the Nostra Seniora da Rosario Saint Gonsal=
=vo at fernambuco aforesaid, the factors and Agents of the said
Brazeele Companie and alsoe one ffrancisco dias ffe[?XXXXX]
Bento Brabo Antonio da Alpoin John da Terres and
Jeronimo Rodrigues Marques and others all Subjects of the
said king of Portugall and so commonly accompted and reputed
to be, did in or about the moneths of Aprill May June July
and August 1657. at ffernambuco aforesaid being under the
obedience and within the dominions and territories of the said
king Lade and putt on board or cause to be Laden and put on
board this deponents said shipp three hundred ffifty and fower Chests
of sugar and Tobacco and sixtie two fetches of sugar and tobacco and
about one hundred and ten Runitalls of Brazeele wood to
be carried and transported in the said shipp from ffernambuco
aforesaid to the said port of Lisbone and there to be
unladen out of the said shipp, The premisses hee knoweth as b[eing]
Master of the said shipp in the voiage aforesaid and in
that quality taking exact and due notice of the said shipps said
Cargason, Designe and Laders as abovesaid, And further
to this Article he deposeth not/:

To the 4th