HCA 13/72 f.509r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.509r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to this Article hee deposeth not/

To the 8th hee saieth, That the said shipp the Nostra Seniora da
Rosario Saint Gonsalvo having received on board her her said
Lading of sugars Brazeele wood and Tobaccoes as aforesaid did
sett saile with the same from ffernambuco aforesaid in Companie
of a certaine Portugall shipp called the ffortune, whereof one
Cipriano Pa[?chao] was commander which shipp was laden with
sugars at the Brazeele and bound for the Port of Lisbone in
Portugall, and in her Course thitherwards and in or about the
moneth of November 1657. the said shipp the Nostra Seniora
da Rosario Saint Gonsalvo with all the said Lading of sugars
Tobaccoes and Brazeele wood in her, togeather with the said
shipp ffortune and her lading about twenty or thirtie leagues
from the Coast of Portugall was mett with seized and surprized
by a certaine number or squadron of shipps in the service of the
Lords the States of the United Provinces or their Subjects, and by
the Captaines Comanders and Companies of the said shipps were
by force seized taken and surprized for and as the shipps and
goods of the said king or of his subjects as and under the notion
of the goods of the enemies of the Lords the States of the said
United Provinces and their Subjects. And that the said Captaines
Commanders and Companies of the said dutch shipps or some
of them did at the time of the said surprizall and seizure give
themselves out for and confesse themselves to be dutchmen in the
presence and hearing of this deponent who was an eye Wittnesse
of and a sufferer in the premised seizure, And further to this
Article deposeth not./

To the nyneth article he saieth, That the said Commander and
Cmpanies of the said dutch shipps or some of them upon the
said taking and surprizing of the said shipp Nostra Seniora
da Rosario Saint Gonsalvo and of her said lading did unduely
and by force at Sea take and plunder out of the said shipp
about 60. Chests or fetches of sugar and Tobaccoes and carried the same
away, as this deponent hath just reason to conceive and beleeve, for
that although this deponent as being then a Prisoner did not actually
see the said plunder, yet he hath since found so much of the said
shipps Cargaison missing and imbeazeled, which could not be
done by any other then by the said seizors And further to the
article he deposeth not./

To the tenth hee saieth, That when and at such times as the said