HCA 13/72 f.508r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.508r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 20th day of July. 1658:-

The Brazeele Companie and others the)
Subjects of the king of Portugall against a)
certaine shipp called the Nostra Seniora)
da Rosario Saint Gonsalvo (whereof was)
Master Nicholas Simons) and the tackle)
apparrell and furniture of the same, and)
against the Sugars and all other goods remaining)
aboard the sayd shipp in whose hands)
soever and against all persons in generall)
etcetera ffrancklin.)

Examined on the part and behalf
of the said Brazeel Companie
and others the Subjects of the said
king upon an Allegation on their
behalf exhibited in the high
Court of Admiraltie of England

Rp. 1

Nicholas Simons of the City of Lisbone in
the kingdome of Portugall Mariner late master
of the said shipp the Nostra Seniora da Rosario
Saint Gonsalves aged 60. yeares or thereabouts a
Wittnesse produced sworne and examined saith as
ffolloweth, to witt.

To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith, That hee this
deponent hath by the space of five yeares last past or thereabouts
held and had his settled residence at and in the said Citie of
Lisbone, during which time he hath divers times and particulaly
in the yeares 1655. 1656. and 1657. arlate and in the monethes
therein respectively concurring navigated and sayled in severall
voiages as Master of a shipp from the said Port of Lisbone to
the Brazeele and back againe, and thereby knoweth, That in
the said yeares and moneths there was, and still is a Companie
of Merchants called or knowne by the name of the Brazeele
Companie, who were and are all of them Subjects of the king
of Portugall and for such commonly accompted, and who for the
most part live and reside in Lisbone aforesaid or other places
nere adjacent, and who were and are a Companie constituted
and established by the Roiall power and authority of the king
of that Nation or of his late deceased Predecessor, and thereby
authorized to trade to and from the Brazeele for sugars and
other merchandises, And that the said Companie hath for diverse
yeares past and particulaly in the yeares and moneths aforesaid
and since exercised used and driven, and doe exercise use and
drive a great trade from Lisbone to Brazeele with Merchandises,
and from Brazeele to Lisbone and others the dominions of
the king of Portugall for sugars and other merchandises, and
(to that