HCA 13/72 f.189v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 189 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 04/05/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4706.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/05/04 | |
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Edited on 07/10/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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Masters who to carry goods to the ports and places aforesayd
to the proper use and benefitt of this deponent and such other Masters
and their Companyes (as properly belongeing to them) besides the freight
which is payd to the Owners for the sayd voyages, which allowance was
and is usually paid under the names of primage and Average And
indeede well knoweth and hath observed that in all voyages from
what ports soe ever made or to what ports soe ever made primage
and Average (to some places more and some lesse but upon all goods
and from all Ports at the least one ryall upon each duckett freight
hath bin and is usually and customarily paid to the Masters and Companyes
of shipps over and above the freight due and payable to the Owners of the sayd
shipp which allowance hee saith is payd to the Masters and Companyes of
shipps to the end that it may oblige them to take greater care in the
well stoweing and otherwise ordering of the goods by them carried and to preserve
them as much as may bee and alsoe to oblige the Master and Company to
beare the dammage which happeneth to any goods by their negligence in
ill stowage or want of pumpeing and the like And these premisses
beside freight is a thing publique and notorious, and well knowne among
Masters of shipps and Mariners And further to this article hee cannot depose
To the 2 and 3 articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee went only
one voyage from Lisbone to Brazeele which voyage hee began about the
moneth of June one thousand six hundred forty eight and saith that in and
by his sayd Charter party (which was made in presence and with the
consent of Jeremy Younge and John Bushell two of his Owners and
in the presence and with the consent of Thomas Linch the deponents Purser of who was
by order of the Owners to bee made acquainted therewith and to be present
with this deponent when hee this deponent did agree with his freighters
upon the conditions therein to bee expressed and when hee this deponent signed
the same Charterparty) there was a certaine Averidge of a testone which
is fifteene pence Portuguese money) upon every Roove (which is and [XXXXXX] somwhat
more then thirty two pounds weight English) expressed to bee due
and payable to this deponent and Company over and beside the freight
due to the Owners of the shipp, which Averidge hee saith was allowed
to this deponent and Company by the freighters as properly belonging to
them and not to the Owners of the sayd shipp, in regards of the great danger
of the sayd voyage and sicklinesse of the voyage through the heate of the
Countrey and alsoe to encourage him and them to fight the hollander
if they mett with him (as this deponent did as was forced to doe) in the sayd
voyage) and alsoe to oblige this deponent and Company to pay dammages
if any happen through ill stowage or want of pumpeing or the like
negligence And hee saith that except the sayd Average there was noe
allowance by the sayd Charterparty to this deponent and Company but their bare wages for all the
danger and hardshipp they were to undergoe in the sayd voyage, And hee
further saith that while hee continued in the Brazeele severall other English
shipps manned alsoe with English videlicet the Sampson Captaine John L[ynis GUTTER]
Commander, and the shipp Sippo Captaine Thomas Evens Commander
and the shipp the Three brothers John Wilkey Commander and the shipp To[XXX GUTTER]
Captaine Joseph Bl[?owe] Comander and the shipp Thomas and Lu[?c]ia Captaine
Andrew Rands Commander and severall other English shipps came to Brazeele from Lisbone and saith