HCA 13/72 f.190r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/72 |
Folio | 190 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 04/05/2013 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_121_11_4707.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/05/04 | |
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Edited on 07/10/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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that hee this deponent being often in Company with them at the Brazeele
they did all of them at some tymes shewe this deponent their Charterparties and this deponent read
them, and thereby well remembreth that there was a particular summe
expressed in every of them for averidge to bee due and payable to the sayd
Masters and their Companyes (over and above the freight due to their Owners)
and that the sayd Averidge did by the sayd Charterparties appeare to belonge to
the sayd Masters and their Companyes and not to their Owneres, but the particular
summes what the sayd Averidge was a roove hee remembreth not And
further to these articles hee cannot depose saveing hee saith hee beleeveth
all English shipps that goe the Brazeele
voyage have an Average expressed in their Charterparties as belonging
to the Masters and Companyes of them in which the Owners have noe interest/
To the 4th hee cannot depose/
To the 5th hee saith hee hath heard that the arlate Captaines Ny, Tatam,
Ell, Bell and Wills were all bound with their severall shipps arlate
upon a voyage from Lisbne to Brazeele and had made their agreement and
signed their Charterpartyes for the sayd voyage, but what the conditions
of their charterparties were hee knoweth not, for that hee this deponent was
a prizoner in the Brazeele at such tyme as they were about to sett out from
Lisbone, and hath heard there being then some difference betwixt the English and
Portugueses they were stayed by the Parliament of Englands shipps as
they came out of Lisbone and soe proceeded not on the sayd voyage And
further to this article hee cannot depose/
To the 6th hee saith that in all ordinary charterparties for any other
voyage, and not the Brazeele, the freight is usually expressed in them,
and beside the freight, there is usually expressed the payment of primage
average and pellilodmonage accustomed, which primage Average
and pellidmonage did and doth and allwaies was reputed to belonge
soely to the Masters and Companyes of shipps and noe part thereof to
the Owners of shipps, nor did this deponent ever heare that any part
thereof was at any tyme claymed by any Owners as due to them, untill
this suite, or that the Owners had any other allowance due to them save
their freight And further saving his foregoeing deposition to which
hee referreth hee cannot depose saving hee saith that the average expressed
in Brazeele Charterparties, and the primage Average and pellidmonage
expressed in other ordinary Charterparties to other places, are one and
the same thing as to the right of them to the Masters and Companyes
of shipps, and saith hee knoweth by his owne Charterpartie aforesayd
and many other Charterparties which hee hath seene for Brazeele voyages
that there is noe other allowance in them to the masters and Companyes
of shipps that trade thither instead of primage Average and pellidmonage
but only the Average aforesayd And further to this article hee cannot
To the 7th article hee saith that hee hath severall tymes shipped fflanders goods
at dover and the downes (they being sent out of fflanders thither to that entente) and hath
transported them thense somtymes to Lisbone sometymes to Cadiz sometymes
to Mallega, Saint Lucar Carthagena Allecant and other places of Italy and Spaine
and hee this deponent hath receaved two ryalls Averidge and sometymes
more upon every duckett freight for such goods by him transported, aand knoweth
that the like Averidge for fflanders goods laden at dover the downes or