HCA 13/72 f.189r Annotate

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HCA 13/72 f.189r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 3 Interrogatorie hee saith that as to the provisions put aboard the greatest part
of them were spent upon the Company and passengers at Sea and most of what
remayned thereof was soe damnified by the tempest that it was little worth
and saith that such as it was and the passengers which dyed not before their disposall
were as hee beleeveth disposed of and sold by the sayd Moulson and the proceeds thereof and of the
sayd Moulsons goods as aforesayd disposed of by the sayd Moulson to the payment of the
Mariners wages as aforesayd And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot

To the 4th hee saith that as hee remembreth there were about twenty eight
mariners men and boyes in the Unitie the voyage in question And further
saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere/

To the 5th hee saith hee sawe one of the passengers Interrogate dye about
a fortnight after his arrivall at Antego and before hee was disposed of by
the sayd Moulson And hee saith that hee this deponent had an English
woman aboard the Unitie a servant for his this deponents Account which
woman servant hee sold at Antego for five hundred and fifty
pounds waight of sugar,
but beleeveth noe natives of Ireland would yeild
soe good a rate there And further hee cannot answere/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/

Abraham Clarke [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 25th of 9ber 1657 [CENTRE HEADING]

Gold Roach and others against dobbins}
Smith Suckley}

Examined on the sayd allegation


Thomas Grant of London Mariner aged fifty yeares
or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and examined saith
and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first article hee saith hee hath gone a Master of shipps for severall voyages
from London and other Ports of England to Leghorne Genoa, and to
divers other places within and without the Streights mouth some in Spaine some in Italy and some in Turkey and Alexandria within these
twenty yeares last past and thereby knoweth that in all Sea voyages there
is an allowance paid to the Master and Company of shipps in some
voyages more and some lesse according to the nature of the voyage
and qualityof the goods laden, and that there is usually paid for goods
laden to goe to Genoa Venice Leghorne Spaine Turkey and Alexandria
and other places within and without the Streights mouth at the least one
Ryall upon every duckett freight and this deponent hath receaved within
the sayd tyme for goods by him transported from the downes and from dover
to Cales in Spaine and Lisbone in Portugall sometymes two Ryalls and
some tymes three Ryalls upon such duckett freight, and the like for
goods by him carried from dunkirke in fflanders to Cales Saint Lucar Mallega and other parts in
Spaine as Madrid Carthagena and Allecant sometymes two ryalls, some
tymes two ryalls and a halfe, some tymes three ryalls, upon every duckett
freight, which allowance was paid to this deponent and is usually paid to other



Thomas Grant


Primary sources



PROB 11/398/58 Will of Thomas Grant, Mariner of Saint Botolph without Aldgate, Middlesex 10 January 1690