HCA 13/71 f.556r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.556r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


times of shipping sailed, and went from place to place in her
and served in her in the said qualities wherein they were shipped, faithfully
and carefully for ought this deponent ever sawe to the contrary, and saith they
were shipped and sailed at and for monethly wages, namely the said Edwards
at 50 s per moneth, which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent sawe three
monethes wages paid unto him by the said Lockiers order in Ireland at the
said rate of fiftie shillings per moneth, and the said Whitfeild (as
himselfe said) was shipped at three pounds per moneth, and saith they entred
into full pay upon the said times of their shipping, namely the said Edwards
on or about the said first of ffebruary 1653, and the said Whitfeild in the moneth
of May next following, betwixt the fifteenth and five and twentieth day
of that moneth, and both continued and served in her till the said 16th
of January last or thereabouts, All which hee knoweth for that hee this
examinate was boatswaine of her, and went in her from time to time
and place to place From his said shipping till her said time of discharge.

To the fourth hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, and cannot
otherwise depose, saving the said Edwards received only one monethes
wages at dunkirke, namely two pounds and tenn shillings.

To the fifth hee referreth himselfe to the Register of this Court and cannot
otherwise depose.

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true.

Thomas Morgan [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Exámined upon the said allegation.

Rp. 2.

Albert Johnson of Massdam in Norway Mariner, aged 45 yeeres
or thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first article hee saith hee well knoweth the shipp the Negro, and
John Lockier arlate, which Lockier hee saith was the time arlate from the
thirteenth of ffebruary 1653 till and unto the sixteenth, or thereabouts of
January last past master and commander of the said shipp and hee the
charge and command of her as master, of the sight and knowledge of this
deponent, who was by him shipped quarter master of her at dunkirke ..
the said thirteenth of ffebruary 1653, and went and served in her till the
said sixteenth or thereabouts of January last that shee came and was
discharged in the River of Thames.

To the second and third articles hee saith and deposeth that the producent
Samuel Edwards was shipped and was Gunner of the said shipp before
and when this deponent soe came first into her at dunkirke, and thense
went and sailed in her in that office under her at Dunkirke, and thense
to dover, thense to Rochell, thense to dublin in Ireland, and there the
said Lockier hired and shipped the producent Roger Whitfeild to goe Carpenter of
her and soe shipped him (and hee entred into pay) about foure monethes
after such this deponents shipping in dunkirke as aforesaid, and from such


Secondary sources