HCA 13/71 f.556v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.556v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


such shipping and entring into pay of the said Edwards and Whitfeild
hee saith they went and sailed and honestly performed their said places
from time to time and place to place under command of the said Lockier in the
said shipp, till such her comming and discharge as aforesaid in the
River of Thames in January last, and saith that from dublin
shee went to kingsale, to be fitted, thence to Corke to take in and
did take in passengers, which she carried for Barbadas, but missing
that Island, shee arived at Saint Christopher, thence shee went to
Jamaica, thence to New England, thense to Madera, and thence
for England where shee arived in december last, and and came into
the River of Thames and was dischardged on or about the sixteenth
of January last, all which space and from place to place hee saith the
said producents served in her the said voyage of his sight and knowledge, and
that they (as the rest of the company) went upon and for monethly
pay and wages, but on what precise rates they were hired hee
knoweth not, but saith they well deserved fiftie shillings
a peece per moneth for such their service. The premisses touching
such their sailing and serving hee well knoweth for the reasons
aforesaid. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 4. and 5th hee cannot depose.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin with
his precontest.

The mark of [MARKE] Albert Johnson [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The 6th day of March 1656:- [CENTRE HEADING]

The Clayme of Simon Barbosa of Lisborne}
for 25. Chests of sugar of the first marke}
and of Simon Mendez Charon of the same}
for thirty Chests of sugar and twenty rolls of}
Tobacco of the second marke seized in the shipp}
Nostra Seignora del Rosario, George Wheeler Master}

Examined upon an Allegation on
behalfe of the said Barbosa
and Mendez Charon:/

Rp. EA. jus

Peter Schierenburg of ham[?orowe GUTTER]
Merchant aged 37. yeares or
thereabouts a Wittnesse sworne and
examined saith as followeth

To the first article hee saith, That in or about the moneth of June 165[?6 GUTTER]
arlate, the arlate Simon Barbosa Merchant of Lisbone in Portugall
did by his factor Edward Garcia da Bivara his factor resident at
the Bahia in Brazile did cause: to be laden on board the shipp the
Nostra Seignora arlate, (George Wheeler Commander,) then being
at the Bahia aforesaid Twenty and odd Chests of sugar, which hee this
deponent there sawe marked with the first marke in the margent, and


for the accompt and adventure of the said Simon Barbosa, And further
saith, That the arlate Simon Mendez Charon a Merchant of Lisb[?one GUTTER]
well knowne to this deponent did at or about the time and at the place
aforesaid cause to bee laden aboard the said shipp by the said Edward
Garcia da Bivara Thirtie Chests of sugar marked with the second
marke in the margent for the proper accompt of the said Simon Mendez


Charon, and twenty rolls of Tobacco of the same second marke and for
the accompt of the said Mendez, all which goods were to be thence
transported in the said shipp to Lisborne aforesaid for the respective
accompts and adventures aforesaid, Which hee knoweth being at [?the GUTTER]