HCA 13/71 f.555v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.555v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 28th of ffebruary 1656. [CENTRE HEADING]

Samuel Edwards and Roger Whitfeild}
against the Negro and goods.}

Examined upon an allegation given
on the behalfe of the said Edwards
and Whitfeild.

Rp. 1

Thomas Morgan of Redriff in the County of
Surrey Mariner, aged 36 yeeres or thereabouts
sworne and exámined.

To the first article hee saith hee well knoweth the arlate
Captaine John Lockier, who hee saith for time arlate was master and
commander of the shipp the Negro arlate and had the governance
thereof as master, and for master was commonly accounted and reputed,
which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent was by the said Lockier
shipped boatswaine of the said shipp at dunkirke on or about
the first of ffebruary 1653, and went, and sailed and
continued in her from that time till the sixteenth of January
last of thereabouts that shee came into the River of Thames and that
hee was then and there acknowledged, and saith that all the said time the
said Lockier was commander of her of his sight and knowledge.

To the second and third articles hee saith and deposeth that within the
said time the said Lockier sailed the said shipp on a voyage
to severall [?ports] and places beyond the seas, and at dunkirke where
this deponent was shipped as aforesaid, the said Lockier alsoe hired
and shipped Samuel Edwards to goe Gunner of the said shipp Negro
namely on or about the first of ffebruary 1653 aforesaid, and hee
[?XXXXX] thence sailed to dover, thence to Rochell, thence for dublin
in Ireland, and being there, namely in the moneth of May 165[?4 GUTTER]
hee there met with and shipped the arlate Roger Whitfeild to
goe Carpenter of her and in the said shipp, and the said whitfeild went
accordingly, and thence hee as Carpenter and the said Samuel Edwards
still as Gunner, sailed, sailed in the said shipp to kingsale to fitt her,
thense to Corke to take in passengers, which they tooke in accordingly
to be carried to the Barbadás, and sailing for the Barbadás, but
missing it, arived at Saint Christophers, and there lay about eleaven
monethes, and there having fitted her againe, the said Lockier sailed
her for Jamaica, and there ariving, ridd three monethes and [?upwards GUTTER]
and thence shee departed for New England, and there staid from [?May GUTTER]
1656 till August next following, and thence departing
shee arived and staid about two monthes at the Maderás, and in or
about October last set saile for England, and came into the River of
Thames in January last, and was dischardged there about the sixteenth
of the same moneth, and saith that to the said time of discharge the
said Samuel Edwards and Roger Whitfeild from their said respective