HCA 13/71 f.46r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.46r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



the Johns Adventure then rideing and being in the River of Boston
aforesaid, one barrill of beaver and other skinns marked and numbred as in
the margent being consigned to the said Henry Ashurst his Correspondents
here in London, which barrill of goods this deponent received aboard the said
shipp by order from his precontest John Cutting then ashoare at Boston, who
writte a note to this deponent to receive the same aboard for the said Mr Sheafes accompt
which this deponent did and gave a note under his hand for such the receipt
thereof, but what was the quantitie of the said skinns hee saith hee knoweth
not no And otherwise saith hee cannot depose:-/

To the third and schedule or Invoyce annexed now seene and perused
by this examinate hee saith hee hath no positive or particular knowledge of
the writeing sending or contents of the said schedule, but foresasmuch as this
deponent hath often seene and observed the usuall character and firme of the said
Sheafe, hee thereby is induced verily to beleeve that the said schedule or writeing,
or factorie was and is really written and signed with the proper hand writeing
of the said Sheafe, And further cannot depose: saving that about 14 moneths
since this deponent being employed by his precontest Mr Cutting to attend at the
Custome howse London about his said shipps then discharge, saw and observed some
goods unladen out of the said shipp marked with the marke aforesaid, and consigned
to the said Henry Ashurst by the said Jacob Sheafes as this deponent was then
credibly informed/:-

To the 4th and schedule or bills of Ladeing annexed hee saith, That this
deponent haveing been sewall times employed by his precontest John Cutting, to goe
with the bills of ladeing by him signed to discharge goods both here at London
and in new England, is very perfectly acquainted with his the said Cuttings
manner of signeing of bills of Ladeing. and saith the said John Cutting upon
the receipt of goods of any considerable valew being packed or barrelled up hath
constantly writt, and doeth usually write immediately before his firme theise
words, videlicet (the contents I know not) so that this deponent though he were
not personally present at nor did see the bill or schedule annexed signed, yet upon
the grounds of experience and observation aforesaid hee was and is fully assured of
the true signature of the said bill of Lading with the proper hand writeing of the
said John Cutting his precontest

To the 5th hee saith, That the said barrill of goods Laden marked and numbred
as aforesaid arrived and came in the said shipp Johns adventure in safety
to this Port of London, which hee knoweth being Masters mate in and
aboard the said shipp the voiage aforesaid, and saw the same hoisted out
of the said shipp into a Lighter in the said Port of London.

To the 13th hee saith, That hee this deponent was present both at the
Ladeing of the barrill of goods in Controversy in New England, and at
the unlading of it here, at both which places hee well observed the
marke thereof, and doeth not remember nor know that any other barrill of
goods of the same marke was the voyage aforesaid Laden in and aboard
the said shipps.

To the 14th article of the said Allegation hee saith, That as this deponent remembreth
the said shipp Johns Adventure with the said Robert Hubbart a passenger
aboard her sett sayle and departed from Boston aforesaid upon or about
the 19th day of December 1655. last past, and came the same day to
Nantaskett about 9. miles from Boston, so that neither the said shipp
nor her said Master nor the said Hubbart were at Boston the xx:th day
of December 1655. which hee knoweth being as aforesaid Masters
mate of and aboard her the whole voiage:-/

To the 15th hee referreth to his foregoing deposition, And further cannot depose.