HCA 13/71 f.46v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 46 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 25/12/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1140344.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2012/12/25 | |
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Edited on 27/08/2013 by Jill Wilcox and on 19/12/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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To the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producent:-/
To the Interrogatories./ [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith, That hee this deponent hath noe
manner of share nor interest in any case whatsoever in the barrill
of goods now in Controversie, and otherwise negatively to every part
To the second hee saith, hee did not see the barrill of Goods in controvo=
versie marked by the interrate Jacob Sheafe, nor knoweth what
number or qualitie of skinns were in the same, And otherwise
saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose./
To the third hee saith, hee did not see the writeing of the schedule
or invoyce. interrate./
To the 4th. hee saith, hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition, and
to the bill of lading therein by him deposed of, And further cannot
depose having never seene or perused any bill of lading signed to
the said hubbart for the said barrill of goods./
To the 5th hee saith, That one Springfeild and his wife came
passengers in the said shipp for England, but of what Credit they
are in deposing upon their oaths hee saith hee knoweth not, having
never been acquainted with them before./
To the 6th hee saith hee hath not deposed, nor knoweth any thing
of any such connivance or consultation as is interrate
To the 7th hee saith, hee knoweth knothing thereof, more than that the
said hubbart came a passenger this voiage in the said shipp
To the 8th hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof.
To the 9th hee saith, hee saw the barrell of goods in Controversy
unladen out of the said shipp in this Port of London, but
knoweth not who received the same further or otherwise, than that
hee hath credibly heard that they came to the hands and possession
of the said Robert hubbart/
To the 10th hee saith, he commeth voluntarily to declare the trueth
of his knowledge in this cause, and hath not received nor
expecteth any thing for his deposition in this cause, more or
otherwise soe than his necessary charges in attending his examination,
which hee expecteth from Mr Ashurst one of the producents
in the said Cause, who told this deponent that if hee came not
voluntarily; hee must be enforced by an Order of this Court to come
and declare his knowledge therein
p[X] Richard Browne [SIGNATURE, RH ]
The said Thomas Glover in the Crosse Interrogatories:-/
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith, That hee this rendent hath
no part nor share in the barrill of skinns in controversie and saith
that by the direction of Mr henry Ashurst this rendent hath
severall times been with Mr Smith interrate to informe him of the
state of the busines in controversie, according as hee received instruction
from the said Mr Ashurst, but it is otherwise no Sollicitor in this
cause nor hath payd nor undertaken to pay any fees in the same
And further hee cannot depose./
To the second hee neither saw the barrell in controversie marked
nor putt aboard the shipp interrate but hath viewed of a barrell
(of the