HCA 13/71 f.45v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.45v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


said barrill of beaver now in Controversy And saith that the interrate bill of
lading shewne to this examinate at the time of his examination, and brought
into this Court by the interrate Mr Ashurst as hee beleeveth was and
is truely signed And firmed with the proper hand writeing of this rendent
in conformity to his booke, and usuall manner of this rendents firming to
bills of lading, videlicet (the contents I know not) which words are not expressed
in the other pretended bill of lading sett on foot by the said Hubbart And
saith the said Hubbart came as aforesaid passenger in the said shipp from
New England, but that this rendent neither there nor in their Course
towards London signed him any bill or bills of ladeing for the barrill of goods
marked as aforesaid, neither did hee so farr as hee remembreth signe any
other bills of ladeing at Sea to any other passenger in the said shipp, but saith
that this rendent being gone with his said shipp the said voiage to the
Gore upon the Coast of England was visited with extremity of sicknesse
whereby hee became senselesse of what hee did, and therefore as to that
time cannot tell what might bee obtruded upon him to be signed by the said
Hubbart, to whom hee this rendent being in his right under standing never
did nor had any reason to signe any bill or bills for the barrill of goods
marked as aforesaid, which hee very well knowe to be the usuall
marke of the said Jacob Sheafe, and accordingly had entered the same in
his booke to be delivered to the said Henry Ashurst his the said Sheafes
Correspondent here in London./

To the 8th hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition. And further
cannot depose, not knowing nor remembring that ever hee saw any of the said
pretended bills of lading, saye onely one, which hee first saw here in London.
in the hands of the said Hubbart, neither did hee, so farr as hee remembreth
ever receive any such summe as is interrate for primage and averidge of
the said barrill from the said Hubbart./..

To the 9th hee saith, That since the said shipps arrivall in the River of
London the said Robert Hubbart by himselfe or his procurement hath
unduely received the said barrill of goods out of the said shipp which
this rendent was sick, but saith hee this rendent hath received no freight for the same
but beleeveth that one of his Owners Agents hath received freight for
the same, and that the said Hubbart still unduely possesseth, hath
unduely disposed of the said goods./

To the 10th hee answereth not, being therein excepted./



The same day Examined upon the said Allegation./

4 (sic) 4.us

Richard Browne of the parish of Saint Olave in the
County of Surrey Mariner aged 25. yeares or there about
a Wittnes sworne and examined saith as followeth. videlicet

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith. That hee this deponent hath
knowne the arlate Jacob Sheafe of Boston in New England Marchant
for about 4. yeares last past, and hath for about 14 moneths last past
knowne and observed that hee the said Jacob Sheafe had had and holds
Correspondence with the arlate Henry Ashurst of London Marchant
by goods and marchandises sent between them in the shipp John's adventure
London to New England, and from thence hither. And further cannot depose

To the second hee saith That in the moneth of december 1655. Last past
the arlate Jacob Sheafe laded or caused to be laden aboard the said shipp