HCA 13/71 f.417r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.417r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second hee saith hee this deponent was present at dartmouth
when upon the said buying the said Cubit and company tooke the said shipp
and fitted her, at their owne costs and chardges, and to their owne use
to whom and to whose sole use hee saith shee was ordered to be delivered, and
otherwise hee referreth him selfe to his foregoing deposition.

To the third hee saith that when the said shipp soe as aforesaid proceeded
from dartmouth, shee had aboard her and belonging unto her nine or
tenn muskets, two pistols, and some appurtenance of ammunition,
as pikes and other, but had noe greate guns. And that shee had
foure anchors, foure cables and halsers, masts, sailes, and all
appurtenances belonging to such a shipp, being of 150 tonnes burden, and
all necessary rigging, and the same was all good and sufficient
And saith the said shipp with all her said ammunition, anchors, cables,
and all other appurtenances, were at the said tyme of her setting
out worth the summe of three hundred pounds and upwards in this
deponents estimation, and otherwise hee cannot answer.

To the fourth hee referreth himselfe to his foregoing deposition, wherein
hee hath satisfied the same.

To the fifth hee saith hee well knoweth and knewth the said shipp
to be the same by sevrall peeces of timber put into her at
dartmouth after such buying of her as aforesaid, and by severall other
repaires and particulars of all which hee had before taken notice.

To the sixth hee the said salt was bought and laded at Rochell
by one William Cokille for the account of the said Cubit and company
whose factor hee was, and hath sent them the bills and accounts
thereof upon their adventure, amounting for the salt and other goods
alsoe laden aboard, to the summe of 200 li sterling or thereabouts, which
money they have remitted him, this deponent being privie thereto.
And that they the said Cubit and company, all of dartmouth
are the very persons for whose account the said goods were laden,
and that none other had or hath any interest or part therein, And
otherwise hee cannot answer, saving that this deponent was not
present at the said lading at Rochell.

To the 7th hee saith hee had and hath an eighth part of the said
shipp belonging unto him, and seaven sixteenth parts of
her said salt, and that besides the said Cubit and this deponent
hee saith that William Barnes, Robert [?XXXd], and Clement
Palmer (all of dartmouth) are the said the owners of the said
vessell and goods, and were soe owners of the vessell at such her setting out. And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the 8th hee saith that the said shipp as hee was informed by her
master and company was two dayes space and somewhat more in the
possession of the said dunkerkers before the said Rescue happened,
and hee beleeveth that if Captaine Plumleigh had not soe met with
her, shee had bin quite carried away by the Duneirkers and lost.

To the last negatively.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.