HCA 13/71 f.417v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.417v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 17th of November 1656.

Corsellis and debenham against the Sara}
and Bilton and Trent}

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.

Rp. 4.

Petr Descobeck of the parish of Saint Olaves in
Southwarke Brewers Clarke, aged 64 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first second and third articles hee saith and deposeth that
in the yeere 1650 (sic) and more particulalry in or about the moneth of May
or June of the said yeere (as hee remembreth the time) there was
delivered at and from the Brewhouse of the said Abraham Corsellis
(knowne by the name of the harts horne brew house situat in
East Smithfeild) sixtie tonnes, one
hogshead and twenty nine gallons of beere and one last and a
halfe of barrells to and for the use and setting out of the
shipp the Salem arlate then lying in the River of Thames, and
outwards bound, and commonly said to be belonging to the arlate [?Collonel GUTTER]
Atkins, and ssaith the said beere and goods to the time of the said
delivery were the goods of the said Corsellis, and the said beere was
worth three pounds and twelve shillings per tonne at the ordinary
and usuall rate of the like beare at that time, and the said [?barrells GUTTER]
were worth three pounds, All which hee knoweth because hee
was then Brewers clarke to the said Brewhouse, and tooke [?note GUTTER]
of the said deliverie and entred it downe in the debt booke˹
for account of the said Collonell Samuel Atkins, for whom the
deponent made up an account thereof about September [XXXX GUTTER]
following the said delivery, as alsoe of and for the [?fourtie GUTTER]
tonnes of caskes arlate, which hee saith were alsoe delivered
the [XXX XXXX] of the said brewhouse at or about the time of the delivery
of the said beere, and belonged (till they were delivered) to the
producent Andrew debenham, from whom they were
sent into the said yard or house, And saith the said caske of the said debenham
was well worth eighteene shillings per tonne, this deponent
being well acquainted with the valew of that commoditie, [?having GUTTER]
bin a Brewers clarke about 24 yeeres. And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the fourth hee saith the said Colonnell Samuel Atkins was
commonly accounted owner of the said shipp the Salem. And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fifth hee referreth himselfe to the Registr[?ie] of this Court.

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith that the said beere was (to this deponents
best remembrance) all strong beere.

To the second and 3 hee doth not remember that hee heard Colonell
Atkins contract for the said beere or caskes, And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the 4th hee saith that hee doth not knowe of any money paid either [XX GUTTER]
the said beere or casks, but hee hath heard there hathbin some paid, but how
much hee did not heare, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

Repeated before doctor Godolphin.

Peter descobecq// [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]



Andrew Debenham

Probably Abraham Corsellis' partner in the Hartshorne brewery, and also a brewer [TBC]. A Richard Debenham, brewer, is mentioned in Andrew Corsellis' will (dated 1665) as a servant of Corsellis and is described as "the Brewer"). SEE: PROB 11/329/179 Will of Abraham Corsellis, of Saint Botolph without Aldgate 11 February 1669


Primary sources



C 5/602/19 Short title: Debenham v Clarkson. Plaintiffs: Andrew Debenham. Defendants: George Clarkson and others. Subject: property in St Botolph without Aldgate, Middlesex. Document type: Bill only. 1659