HCA 13/71 f.416v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.416v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second árticle of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that the said shipp on the said voyage proceeding for [?rochell] and there [?XX]
and takeing in her lading of salt, and retourning therewith for dartmouth
under the Convoy of two frigates in the immediate service of this
Commonwealth, and that they comming in her company neere the
Edistone of Plymouth, and there espying a saile, or two at sea, and [?XXX]
after them, left the Palme-tree to shift for her selfe, and that [?XXXX]
after in the said Convoys sight or one of them and very neere them, there
came two small dunquirke men of warr and seized her and carried [?her]
away, and tooke all her owne men out and put others of their
company aboard her to carry her away, All which hee speaketh [?only for]
the Relation of John hayman master of the said shipp who was
in her and others

To the third and fourth articles hee saith and deposeth the said
dunkerkers as they were carrying the said shipp homeward
were mett with by Captaine Plumbleigh a Commander ofone of
the shipps of this Commonwealth who rescued the Palme-tree and carried her into the downes
and thence sent her for Portsmouth, which hee knoweth coming [?afterwards]
from dartmouth for London in another shipp, and going [?XXXX]
her in the downes after such rescue, and before her sending away
for Portsmouth, And otherwise deposeth not, saving [?that]
when hee came soe aboard hee found her soe leakie, that her pumpe
was kept going night and day, and that her salt was in greate
danger of being spoiled through her leakiness

To the fifth article hee saith and deposeth that the shipp Palme-tree
aforesaid belonging to dartmouth and whereof the said Cubit and
company of dartmouth were and are as aforesaid owners, and the
shipp soe rescued by Captaine Plumbleigh was and is one and
the same shipp, and not diverse, which hee knoweth being
present and privie to such her setting out as aforesaid from
dartmouth, and afterwards (as aforesaid) going aboard her in the
downes after such Rescue. And otherwise hee cannot depose

To the 6th hee saith the said Joseph Cubit and Company
were and are all English men, Inhabitants of dartmouth and
subiects of this Commonwealth, which hee knoweth living there
and being one of them

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith the said shipp the Palme tree is a fflemish
built vessell, and that the said owners bought her of her former owners
Embdeners, shee being brought up to Dartmouth as prize, but
afterwards released: and saith they soe bought her
betwixt two and three yeeres since, and paid for her about 150 pounds, shee
then lying sunck at dartmouth, and that mr Lucas Luce was the
person that on the behalf of her former owners sold her to them, and there was a bill of sale [?made]
upon such selling of her, which this deponent hath seene, and
saith that either mr Lucie or Captaine Phillips (who [?acted]
betweene them) received their said money for the said vessell, which was
called the Hope of Embden when shee came into England
