HCA 13/71 f.416r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.416r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second and third hee cannot depose, saving as aforesaid

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee answereth negatively to every part thereof.

To the second hee saith that hee first knew the said shipp the Hope about
a yeare and halfe since, which was the time hee soe sawe her
at dunkirke. And saith hee last sawe her on friday last lying in the
River of Thames, and that shee seemeth to him to be hollands-built
And otherwise cannot answer, saving as aforesaid.

To the third hee saith hee doth not know the owners of the said shipp
Hope, nore where they dwell, nor whose subiects they are, And
otherwise hee cannot answer

To the fourth, fifth and 6th hee answereth negatively.

To the 7th hee saith hee was borne betwixt Antwerp and Lille,
in the dominion of the States of the United Netherlands, and is nowe their
subiect, living at Middleborowe, where hee keepeth house and
familie and hath soe donne for theise tenn yeares last, and that
hee is a Skipper, and liveth by that Imployment, and beareth
part of her common taxes and burthens.

To the 8th negatively.

To the 9th hee saith that if the same person that soe was fitting
out the said shipp from dunkirke about a yeere and halfe since, bee
the master that brought her thither, hee beleeveth hee should knowe
him well if hee should see him again, And otherwise hee cannot

Repeated with his precontest before
doctor Godolphin:/

[?Xjaquib Romboudt] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 25th of November 1656. [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of Joseph Cubit ánd}
Company for the shipp the Palme-tree}
[LH GUTTER ?of dartmouth] and her lading etcetera}
Cheeke. Budd}

Examined upon an allegation given in
on behalfe of the said Claimers
13th instand.

dt Cheeke./


9: 2. in B. 7

Miles Pyle of dartmouth Mariner, aged
50 yeeres or thereabouts, sworne and exámined

To the first article hee saith that hee well knoweth the shipp the
Palm tree arlate and hath soe donne for this foure yeeres, last
or thereabouts, and alsoe well knoweth the producents Joseph Cubit and Company
arlate, who for two yeeres last past and upwards have as hee saith bin
and at present are the true and lawfull owners and Proprietors of the
said shipp the Palme tree, and of her tackle, apparell and furniture
and for such commonly accompted. And further that about foure
monethes since the said shipp was by the said Cubit and company set out
and furnished from dartmouth on a voyage upon their owne account
for ffrance, to lade salt and other goods and therewith to retourne to dartmouth
to discharge the same for the account aforesaid, which hee knoweth being
present at dartmouth, and seeing her soe set out, and having interest therein
And otherwise cannot depose.