HCA 13/71 f.414v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.414v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and examined and saith hee being an Apprentice to the sayd Beebee
hee is worth little in his owne Estate And further cannot answere./

To the 2 hee saith as is predeposed that after the lighters had attended three
or fower dayes the parcell of ffish aforesayd was delivered, in manner
aforesayd and then the sayd Wogassen and Johnson denyed to deliver any
more of the goods on board till the sayd Mr [?Launder] should come from
Bristoll or that they had order from him to deliver them and saith hee
knoweth not of any denyall made of delivery before after the sayd
was delivered and saith that hee knoweth not nor hath heard when the
freight of the sayd goods was payable but beleveeth that the sayd denyall
was made within lesse then tenn dayes after the arrival of the sayd shipp
in this Port for that hee hath heard shee arrived in this port but a day or two before
the sayd lighters attended to receave her ladeing, and knoweth the sayd ffish was
delivered about three or fower dayes after the sayd lighters came first to
attend her, and that the next day after the delivery thereof the sayd Wogassen
and Johnson denyed to deliver any more goods as aforesayd And further
he cannot answer./

To the 3 hee saith saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot more fully
answere to this Interrogatorie saving hee saith that the sayd lighters
lay at the least tenn or twelve dayes or rather more by reason of the denyall
aforesayd in expectation of the sayd [?Launders] comming, before they could
or did receave any more ladeing and saith that soone after his comeing
the sayd [?Launders] comming the sayd Wogassen and Johnson did proceede to
deliver the rest of the sayd ladeing according to the sayd Launders order
and this deponent and the sayd Mottley did carrie the same in the sayd
lighters some to Saint Saviours Dock to Mr Southwoods storehouse there
and other parts thereof to one Mr William Greene in Thames Street
and saith hee hath heard and beleeveth that the carriage of the sayd
goods to the sayd places was paid to the sayd Beebee by the sayd Mr

The mark of the sayd
John Weaver./ [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The foresayd Robert Beebee upon Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee hath no relation to the Interrogate
Mr Southwood other then that hee was hyred by him as his lighterman to
receave and carrie the goods in question and cometh to testifie in his cause being soe [?requested GUTTER]
by Mr Southwood who well knew that this deponent was imployed by him as aforesayd
and therefore could not but bee able to testifie therein, but saith hee did not [?acquaint GUTTER]
the sayde Southwood what hee would saye therein, and saith the sayd Southwood gave
him five shillings towards the hinderance of his and his servants labours
attending to be sworne and examined and promised to give him such further
satisfaction for his losse of tyme thereabout as is fitting And saith hee is
worth forty pounds and more his debts paid And further cannot answere/

To the 2 hee saith that when this deponent first caused his lighters to bee
carried to the side of the shipp the Justice and demanded goods in behalfe
of the foresayd Mr Southwood the sayd Wogassen and Johnson then denyed
this deponent the delivery of any goods for Accompt of Mr Southwood and
thereupon this deponent went away (leaving his lighters there) and acquainted
him therewith, after which videlict about three or fower dayes after (as this deponents
servant John Weaver told him) some fish was delivered into and of the lighters
for Mr Southwoods Accompt, and afterwards the sayd Wogassen and Johnson did
denye to deliver any more goods without order of the foresayd Mr [?Launder]
And further to this Interrogatorie saveing his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answer./