HCA 13/71 f.415r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.415r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


not knoweing how many dayes the sayd shipp had bin in this Port
before the sayd first denyall./

To the 3 hee saith that after the sayd Launder came from Bristoll and
and had given order to the Master of the shipp and the Weighter which was
on board, for delivery of the rest of the goods in question, the same were
delivered to this deponents servants Weaver and Motley (as they told
this deponent) and by them delivered at severall places according as
the Master and Company of the sayd shipp ordered and appointed videlicet some that is to saye the fish at
Saint Saviours dock, and the deales and baulkes at the hermitage dock, and
some Tarr at Sabbs stayres and some other parts thereof at one Greenes wharfe at
Pickleherring, for the carriage of all which the sayd Mr Southwood paid
this deponent And further saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot answere

Robert Beebee [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 24th of September 1656. [CENTRE HEADING]

[GUTTER ?XXXX]well and Company against}
[GUTTER XX] Hope.}

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.

Rp. 2.

ffrancis Roys of fflushing Mariner, aged 36 yeeres or
thereabouts, sworne and exámined.

To the first article hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth the shipp
the Hope arlate and hath soe donne for theise 16 yeeres last past and
upwards, and on Satturday last sawe her riding a little belowe the hermitage
in the River of Thames, And saith that about three yeeres since as hee
remembreth that time, shee was (having to that time belonged to
fflushing) was sold at Rochell as the common report went, and her
Stiersman put master of her, and that shortly after such her sale, shee
was met with and taken by the dunkirkers, and carried to dunkirke
and there made prize as this deponent hath since heard Peter
Musselman (whow as soe put master of her at Rochell) say and
affirme upon his retourne to fflushing after such losse of his shipp
And since the said time this deponent hath never seene the said shipp at
fflushing, nor alsoe here, till lately that this deponent met her
comming into the River of Thames, And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the second article hee saith that about six weekes since this deponent
going from this port for fflushing, met the said shipp Hope coming
neere Marget roade comming into this port, and haling her, and asking
whence shee came, it was answered from fflushing, whereupon this
deponent when hee came home to fflushing inquired if shee had bin there and had there
bin laden, but could heare noe newes at all of her being there, And
amongst others hee saith that Mr John de Clarke merchant was one
to whom this deponent spoke of such his meeting the Hope, who about
tenn dayes after meeting this deponent againe, said to this
deponent, that the Hope which this deponent had met, was made prize
at London. And further that one Mr Gill an English man dwelling
at fflushing being present said that hee had order to get an attestation
that the said shipp was laded at fflushing, and that hee meant
to get the same to which this deponent answered and willed him not to doe
or, telling him hee was an old man, and why should hee trouble himselfe in
such a matter wherein hee could get ill will. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
