HCA 13/71 f.414r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 414 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 12/10/2012 | |
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IMAGE: P1130944.JPG | |
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Cathryn Pearce | |
First transcribed | |
2012/10/12 | |
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Minor formatting edits on 13/10/2012 by Colin Greenstreet |
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after the arrival of the shipp the Justice in this Port of London with the
goods in question this deponent and his contest Richard Mottley being servants to
his precontest Robert Beebee was by their sayd Master imployed to goe with
fower lighters aboard the sayd shipp the Justice and lye aboard her to receave
such goods as were on board her and were to be delivered for Accompt
of the arlate Mr John Southwood, and saith that after the sayd Lighters had
layed aboard the sayd shipp about three or fower days the Master of the
sayd shipp Christian Wogassen (sic) arlate and Peter Johnson arlate did cause
cause to be put into one of the sayd lighters from aboard the sayd shipp
for accompte of the sayd Mr Southwood about seaven thousand stockfish
which this deponent receaved into the sayd lighter and carried and delivered
the same into a warehouse of the sayd Mr Southwoods at Saviours dock,
and then the next day returned with the sayd Lighter aboard the sayd shipp and there lay
expecting to receave more goods, And this deponent and his contest
Richard Motley (sic) desyring the sayd Wogassen and Johnson that more
goods might be delivered aboard the sayd lighters the sayd Wogassen
and Johnson in presence of this deponent and the sayd Motley then replyed and sayd that
there should bee noe more goods delivered from aboard the sayd shipp
till Mr Lannder (meaning the arlate Edward Lannder) came from
Bristoll, or till hee sent order for the delivery thereof or to that effect
and accordingly, they did refuse to deliver anymore goods and did not deliver
any more untill the sayd Mr Lannder (having as this deponent hath heard soe
advise sent to him to Bristoll of the refusall of delivery of the sayd
goods) came about twelve dayes after or more in person on board the sayd shipp
in this Port of London and did in person of this deponent and the sayd Mottley) order and appointe the sayd Wogassen
and Johnson to deliver the rest of the goods undelivered unto the sayd
Mr Southwood or such as hee should employ to receave the same And
thereupon the sayd Muggesson (sic)and Johnson did according to the sayd
Lannders order cause to be laden into the sayd lighters severall
quantities of deale boards, sparres and baulkes and tarr for which
were by him this deponent and the sayd Mottley delivered
at severall places for Accompt of the sayd Mr Southwood or his Agents as hee beleeveth, for that by reason of which refusall hee saith the
sayd lighters were found to attend many days longer about the
receaving and delivery of the sayd goods then otherwise they needed to have
done And further hee cannot depose./
[LH MARGIN][GUTTER ?Mr] Southwood imployed
[GUTTER ?the] master about the
[GUTTER ?XXX] of them and as HEE
hath heard his
[GUTTER ?XXX] say paid for
[GUTTER ?XXX] of them.
To the rest hee is not examined by direction of the producents proctor
To the Interrogatories this day brought in [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee hath noe relation to Mr Southwood other then
that hee was a servant to his precontest Robert Beebee who was hyred
to carrie and receave the goods in question from aboard the sayd shipp in his the sayd
Beebees Lighters and saith the sayd Southwood knowing this deponent to bee the
Beebees man and one imployed to worke in his lighter
about carriage of the sayd goods required this deponent to testifie his knowledge
therein, but this deponent did not tell the sayd Southwood what hee would say
therein, and saith hee hath received 12 d of the sayd Southwood and expecteth from him
to bee satisfied for his losses of his labour in his calling attending to bee sworne