HCA 13/71 f.385v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 385 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 18/03/2013 | |
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IMAGE: P1130936.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/18 | |
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Edited on 30/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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him received. And that upon that accompt of this deponents
treating with him the sayd Marshall receiveing the sayd
wynes on the producents behalfe, he this deponent well
knoweth that the sayd Marshall hath given satisfaction
to the sayd Mr Beesly for the sayd twenty fower Butts
and that he hath not at all satisfyed the sayd Beesly
for the said 19 hogsheads of sherry wynes And
further he cannot depose/
To the fifth article he deposeth and saith that of his the
deponents certaine knowledge, who was aboard the shipp
the ffortune libellate after she was fully laden, there
were noe more hogsheads of sherry wines aboard the sayd shipp than the
19 hogsheads libellate, And further he cannot depose.
To the sixth article he deposeth and saith that two
hogsheads goe to a Butt, and that then a Butt of
sherry wines was worth about 23 and 24 li, and
that the arlate James Marshall did account unto, or
pay the producent after that rate for the greater part of aforespecified
fower and twenty Butts, And further he cannot
To the seaventh he deposeth that the producent had
doubtlesse gott more than fifty pounds, if the said
wines had comme safe to the hands of the aforenamed
Mr Mayne the producents factor, and the pr[?oceeds GUTTER]
thereof bin presently remitted to Mr Beesley the
producent And further he knoweth not.
To the 8th he referreth himselfe to the Registry and
acts of this Court, And further knoweth not.
To the last he saith his former deposition is true-
To the Interrogatoryes. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he did not know
the interrate shipp the ffortune before she was at Cadiz
the time predeposed, and that some Bristow Merchants
were reputed the Owners of her, And further he
knoweth not to answeare./
To the second Interrogatory he answereth that the interrate
Thomas Crocker did sayle home in the sayd shipp
from Cadiz into England, And otherwise negatively
To the third Interrogatory he answereth that there were
laden aboard the interrate shipp at Cadiz the time
interrate in all about 81 butts and the aforementioned 19
hogsheads of sherry wynes, and that there were
noe more hogsheads of sherry wynes than the 19
hogsheads Libellate and in the bill of Lading mentioned
And further referring himselfe to his former
deposition he knoweth not to answeare/ [XXXXX]
Repeated before Colonel Cock.
On the same day. [CENTRE HEADING]