HCA 13/71 f.385r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 385 |
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IMAGE: P1130935.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/17 | |
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Edited on 30/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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Andrew Beesly against James}
Marshall. Clements. Cheeke}
Upon the Libell.
On the 22th of August 1656.
Richard Nene of Saint Thomas the Apostle
London Merchant, aged about 26 yeares a
wittnes produced, sworne and examined deposeth
as followeth videlicet.
To the first and second articles of the sayd Libell and
to the bill of Lading in the said second article mentioned
he deposeth and saith that he this deponent dwelt or
resided on the nineteenth day of November 1655 arlate
at Shereez, about three leagues distant from the bay
of Cadiz in Spayne, where the libellate shipp the
ffortune of Topsham then lay, and he sayth that he
being there doth very well know that the arlate
Andrew Beesley did then live at the sayd Citty of
Shereez as a Merchant, and that on or about the
sayd day videlicet the 19th of November 1655 arlate the
sayd Beesley did shipp aboard the sayd shipp the
ffortune of Topsham twenty fower Butts of sherry
wynes and nineteene hogsheads of sherey wines for his
owne proper use and account, and that they were
marked as is schedulate and libellate, and consigned
to Mr John [?Maine] of Exeter Merchant, and that he
this deponent now perusing the said schedule or bill
of lading for the sayd wynes saith that it is the bery
same bill of lading which the arlate Walter [?ffurlie] did
signe for the sayd wynes, of this deponents certaine
knowledge, who saw the said ffurlie signe the same,
And he saith and deposeth further, that by his acquaintance
with the sayd Mr Beesley he came to well know and
understand that he the sayd Beesley did buy the said
wynes at Sherreez of Don Andrey [XXXXX] De Leon
and of Lisenshad Camarchio, and for which wynes he
the deponent did see the sayd Beesley pay the said
Spaniards and was alsoe present
at the Customehouse of Shereez when the sayd
Beesley tooke dispatches for the foresayd wynes And
further he knoweth not to depose./
To the third and fourth articles he deposeth and saith that
the sayd 24 Butts and 19 hogsheads of sherey wynes
did come unto the hands or was received by the arlate
James Marshall the party in this suit, and that he
this deponent being come into England and requested
by his freind the producent to treate with him
the sayd Marshall concerning the sayd wynes,
and that he the sayd Marshall hath by his letters
written unto this deponent acknowledged that the sayd
24 butts and 19 hogsheads of sherry wynes were by