HCA 13/71 f.386r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.386r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


[XX] 2 Rp.

Humfry Traford of Manchester in the
County of Lancaster Merchant, aged about
26 yeares, a wittnes produced sworne and
examined deposeth as followeth

To the first and second articles of the sayd Libell and to
the bill of Lading in the said second article mentioned and
exhibited he deposeth and saith that he this deponent
did in the monthes libellate reside at Saint Lucars in Spayne which is
about three Leagues distant from Cadiz, and that
he then was well acquainted with the producent Mr
Andrew Beeseley arlate, and by reason of the
familiarity and acquaintance with and betweene him the
deponent and the sayd producentm he the deponent going
aboard the arlate shipp the ffortune which then lay in the bay of Cadiz
about other busines did at the request of the sayd
Beesely the producent procure the arlate Walter
ffurlie the Master of the sayd shipp the ffortune to
signe the three bills of Lading for the 24 butts
and 19 hogsheads of sherry wines, which were marked
as is Libellate and is mentioned in the bill of Lading
arlate, and that the bill of Lading mentioned in
the sayd second article was and is firmed or signed
by the sayd henry ffurlee the Master of the sayd
shipp, of this deponents knowledge, who saw the same
firmed or signed by the sayd ffurlee, and that by the
said bill of Lading the said wines were by the said
producent consigned unto one Mr John Mayne of Exeter
for the proper use and account of him the producent,
And the deponent saith that he well knew that the
sayd Mr Beesly the producent did buy the said
sherry wynes for his owne proper account of in Sherrez
of Don Andrere Pouca da Leon and Lishenshado
Camachio, whom this deponent knew dwelling at
Sherrez And further he cannot depose./

To the third and fourth articles he deposeth and saith that
he the deponent being in Spayne in ffebruary and
March last past, did see letters written from the
aforementioned Mr John Mayne, signifying the arrivall
of the sayd shipp at or neere Topsham, and that the
arlate James Marshall had received or gotten into
his possession the sayd 24 butts and 19 hogsheads of
sherry wines, and that by letters from the articulate Marshall and accounts it hath
appeared unto this deponent that the sayd Marshall
hath payd or given satisfaction unto the producent
for the sayd 24 butts, but hath not at all payd him
or in any wise made satisfaction for or towards the said
19 hogsheads of sherry wines soe sent by the producent
in the said shipp the ffortune of Topsham, and consigned
to the said Mr Mayne, And further he cannot depose.
