HCA 13/70 f.90r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 90 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/21 |
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ffebruary last past, and that comming on the twelveth day of this
instant moneth of March neare the Needles on the coast of the Ile of
Wight the said shipp and lading were by fowle weather cast away upon
the said Needles, and lost, saving there were about 27 piggs of lead
and tenn blocks of tinne, and some of the shipps sailes and rigging and some
peeces of timber of the shipp saved and brought ashore when this deponent
came thence which was on or about the 15th instant; and saith that all her
company (whereof this deponent as one as aforesaid) came by gods
providence safe ashore, and escaped, and lastly that the said shipp and
cargo were wholly belonging to the said Mr Bewly and company, merchants
of London who laded and sett her out hence at their owne costs and
charges of the sight and knowledge of this deponent who was masters mate
of her as aforesaid. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
Rp. 2.
Martin Saunders of West Yarmouth in the Ile of Wight
Mercer, aged 50 yeares or thereabouts sworne and
examined as aforesaid.
To the first and second Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth that
on the twelveth of this instant, there being a shipp of London (whereof
one Richard Smyth was master) cast away on the Needles in the Ile of
Wight, by stresse of weather, there were severall of her goods as
lead, and a pack of cloth and other things saved and brought in
boates to Yarmouth aforesaid, eleaven of which piggs of lead this deponent
helped to carry into Mr Brambles yard in Yarmouth and there left
the same, and the pack of white cloth hee sawe alsoe there brought
ashore, and some peeces of the shipp, peeces of the ropes, and her yard
and some blocks and materialls of the said vessell came alsoe
there ashore. And saith it was commonly there said by some of
her company that came there ashore and others that the said shipp
with her lading were sett out from London by Mr Bewly and company
merchants of London, and bound for Bourdeaux in ffrance, and that the
vessell and cargo of merchandizes were wholly belonging to them
And otherwise hee cannot depose.
Repeated with his precontest before doctor Clarke.
Marten Sanders [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]