HCA 13/70 f.90v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.90v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 24th of March 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

Captaine Justinian Wills and company}
against the shipp the Edam}
Claus Clauson hartich master.}

Claus Clauson Hartich of Edam
Mariner, master of the said shipp
the Edam, aged 24 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith that hee was master of the said
shipp the Edam at the time of her seuzre, at which time shee was
laden with twelve hundred and ninetie tallies of salt and seaventeene
hogsheads of wine, which were all taken in at Saint Martins in ffrance
of and from Simon Jacobson a holland factor dwelling at Rochell,
who made the Charter partie with this deponent, but the said wines and
salt were bought and provided by one Peter Govrn a ffrench man of
Rochell, who said to this deponent that the said Simon Jacobson
was the marchant of and for the said salt and wines, and saith the said
wines and salt were of the growth and make of ffrance, and were laden
to be delivered at Saint Malo's to one harmans. And otherwise
cannot depose, saving his company had about 16 hogsheads of wine aboard for ther account
which were laden by themselves, and were noe part of the abovesaid 17 hogsheads.

To the second hee saith that hee went with the said shipp from
Edam to Saint Martins to seeke a freight, and there met with the freight
aforesaid, And saith that it was told this deponent by the said Simon
Jacobson and by the said Peter Goven that the said goods were for
hollanders accompt, but whether they belonge to ffrench or hollanders
hee saith hee knoweth not, nor knoweth hee what to beleeve therein
And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the third hee saith hee signed a bill of lading for the said goods
according to the said Charter partie, which bill and Charter partie with
a letter wherein the said bill was inclosed were taken from him by the
Capers, together with his Sea=brief, and that hee had alsoe a lett
passe from Saint Martins aboard which is yet aboard, but for his said Charterpartie
and bill, whether they were reall and true, and that the goods were
really for accompt therein mentioned or not hee saith hee knoweth
not, hee signing them according to what was affirmed by the said lader
and saith hee did not signe any bill or bills to be sent overland
no were there any papers burnt, throwne overboard or made away
And otherwise saving as aforesaid hee cannot answer.

To the fourth hee saith hee hath knowne the said Simon Jacobson
two or three yeares, having in that space bin many times at Saint Martins,
and saith hee is a hollander, and speaketh good dutch, and that
this deponent was to receive his freight at Saint Malo's
and that it was to be paid him (as the said Jacobson said) by
the foresaid harmans. And otherwise hee cannot depose saving as
aforesaid, saying hee cannot tell what to beleeve touching the said goods
belonging to ffrench or dutch, but dares not take it upon his conscience
positively to affirme that they belong to dutch.

To the last hee saith hee was taken by Captaine Wills
his frigott off Garnesey as hee was in his course for Saint Malo's, And
otherwise hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid, saying hee had not
any documents of severall effects and contents

Repeated before Collonel Cock.

Claus Claason [?hartief] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]