HCA 13/70 f.597r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 597 |
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2014/11/15 |
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C: 5
The 30th of August 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
On the behalfe of ffrederick Otson and company}
owners of the shipp the Liesday of horne and}
lading, taken neare the Barbadas.}
dt. jus.
John Cornelison of horne Mariner, late
one of the companie of the said shipp the
Liesday, aged 24 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined.
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee hath well
knowne the said shipp the Liesday about a yeare last, and saith shee
belongeth to the port of horne in North Holland, and that ffrederick Otson
of horne, and others of Amsterdam and Memblick all dutchmen and
subiects of the States of the United Netherlands were and are her owners, and
set her out on the voyage wherein shee was seized, on which voyage shee
departed from horne about this time twelvemoneths, bound for Nantes and
thence for any free place of trade, and that one Albert went master
of herr. And saith that from horne shee went to Nantes and there tooke
in wine and brandewine and went towards the Charibbe Ilands,
which hee knoweth being of her companie.
To the second hee saith that the said shipp the said voyage was not at any
of the English plantations before her seizure nor traded there, nor had her master and
company any purpose to goe thether, having received expresse command
and order from ffrederick Otson the cheife owner, not to come there
nor trade there without license, whch command hee gave aboard openly
to the master and company in their going out of the Texel whether hee came with
them in the shipp and then retourned.
To the third fourth and fifth hee saith that the said shipp the Liesday about a moneth
before Easter last with her said lading of wine, brandewine and porke
within two hollands mile or thereabouts of the greate Roade of the Barbada's
there came two shallops and a frigot towards her out of the Roade
and one of the said shallops came aboard manned with English and
told them they must goe in to Generall Penn, and soe comming aboard
about 25 man stronge (whereas the Leisdays (sic) companie were but tenn or
thereabouts) they carried the said shipp and lading into the Roade, and
there brought her to an anchor, and tooke the master, Stiersman and
boatswaine out and carried them aboard Generall Penn, and tooke the
rest of her companie and carried them ashore, and afterwards the
master, stiersman and boatswaine were alsoe brought ashore, and soe they
were deprived of their said shipp and lading, which were seized and
confiscated by the English, and the owners have thereby lost the same.
And saith the said shipp was laded with about an hundred fatts
of wine and brandewine, (each fatt containing foure hogsheads) and
a quantitie of porke, and that the said wine, brandewine, and
porke were worth in his estimation at the time of the said seizure
fiftie thousand gilders, and were the goods of the said shipps owners,
and the said shipp hee saith was of the burthen of 90 lasts or thereabouts
but her valew hee cannot depose, and saith shee was seized on the
high and open sea, and while shee was under saile, and had not then
bin nor traded at or received any goods from any of the English plantations
All which hee knoweth being one of her companie and then aboard her,
and after the said tourning ashore of the said companie, this deponent
got passage thence in an English shipp which was taken and carried to Brest
and thense this deponent got passage hether in a hollander.
The marke of the said
+ John Cornelison [MARKE, RH SIDE]