HCA 13/70 f.49v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.49v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fifth hee saith that the frigot of the said Leonard Barnet
that seized him had the English flagg up when shee met him but
with some difference[?s], namely shee had a redd flagg, with a crosse
in the corner, only there were the picture of three towers in the
middle of the redd flagge, like the towers given in the hamburgh
flagg, soe that this deponent did not knowe but yet
thought that hee was an Englishman, and saith the said shipp
the Peter being neere the ffrench coast and making for the land neere
[?Briach]. two ffrench boates came and towed her amongest the rocks
and when the said man of warr approached, the ffrench that were come
from shore aboard this deponent without this deponents order or
knowledge made three shotts at or towards the said man of warr
namely two with bullets and the other without, and from the said shipp
Peter hee saith there were noe other shott or shotts made
at or towards the man of warr, and this deponent by calling out
to the ffrench did his best to hinder any shooting at all, And
otherwise cannot depose.

To the sixth hee saith that a ffrench pilot that was aboard
called out to the ffrench that were ashore to come and help
save the said shipp the Peter and towe her ashore, and the said
ffrench to the number of 20 or 30 persons or thereabouts,
comming aboard, did their best to preserve the said shipp
from seizure by shooting alsoe with muskets, to hinder the
said Barnets men from comming aboard, but when they sawe
that they would come and take the said shipp, the said ffrenchmen
ran all ashore, and after their departure, there was noe shott or
resistance made, and what resistance was before made as aforesaid
was donne by the said ffrench against this deponents will.

To the last hee saith the said shipp the Peter was fastened
ashore with two towes when the said Barnets company seized
her, And otherwise hee cannot depose.



The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said Interrogatories.


Tunis Jacobson of fflushing Sailer aged 41 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
and was one of the company of the shipp the Saint Peter interrogated
at the time of her seizure, namely the Cooke aboard her. And saith
shee belongeth to the port of fflushing where this deponent
was shipt in her about three monethes since. And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the second hee saith that the said shipp when shee was seized was
laden with about 80 fatts of wine of ffrench growth and some