HCA 13/70 f.50r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 50 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/12/04 |
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[?Rosin] upon freight, and there was one licence for wines aboard for
his contest Thomas jacobs his accompt a fflushinger, and saith the said
wines and [?Rosin] laden upon freight were laden by a ffranch man who
freighted the said shipp to receive the same aboard in the River of
Bourdeaux, and carry the same to Pontrieux in Bretany in the
dominion of the ffranch kinge, and there to deliver the same, and
said ffrenchman the freighters man went along in the shipp to see
the deliverie. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the third hee saith the said shipp the Peter went from fflushing in
ballast to Bourdeaux to seeke a freight, And otherwise hee cannot
depose saving as aforesaid.
To the fourth hee cannot depose.
To the 5th and 6 hee saith the man of warr that made the said seizure
had the English flagg or colours, namely a rede flagge with
a crosse therein, soe that the Peters company tooke him to be an
English man, and therefore made to get ashore being neare
Pontrieux, and there comming two boates with ffranch man aboard her
to help towe her in to save her from being taken, and the Caper
still approaching the ffranch that were aboard made three shotts
at or towards the said caper, namely two with and one without
bullet, and when all woudl not help, the ffranch man [?runn] ashore
and thence shott with muskets at the said Capers company to hinder
them from boarding the said shipp the Peter, which was fastened
with two towes to the rocks. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the last hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.
The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]
Thomas Jacobs of fflushing mariner, one of the common
men of the said shipp the Peter aged 20 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined.
To the 1. 2. 3. 4 5. and 6 Interrogatories hee saith that the said shipp the
Peter is hollands built, and that her owners are commonly accompted
to be living in Zealand, and to have bought her at fflushing to goe
to Bourdeaux to seeke a freight whether shee went in ballast, and
comming to Bourdeaux shee was there freighted by a ffranch man to
carry a cargo of wine to Pontrieux in Bretany and there deliver
the same, and accordingly there were by the said freighter laden
aboard her in the River of Bourdeaux eightie fatts (within a teirce) of
wine of the growth of ffrance and a fatt of Rosin, and this deponent
laded aboard her one tierce for his owne accompt, and that hee
is a Zealander by birth and a subiect of the States of the United
Netherlands. And saith the said 80 fatts save a teirce of wine and
the rosin soe laden by the ffrench man, were for
a ffranch mans accompt. And as shee was going therewith for