HCA 13/70 f.49r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.49r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 10th of January 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

Bushell and company against the Peter of}
fflushing, Legier derrickson master.}

dt. Smith

Legier Derrickson of fflushing Mariner
master of the said shipp, aged 36 yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee came first aboard the said shipp
the Peter (as master thereof) in October last, and that hee hath ever since
knowne and bin master of her, and saith shee belongeth to the port of
fflushing, where this deponent and all the rest of her owners dwell saving
hee taketh that some of them dwelt at Middleborough or at [?AXXX] in Zealand; And saith that the names
and shares of her owners (knowne to him) are as followeth videlicet, Jacob drogenbrout
owner of an eighth part, Peter Bowert, [?Crine ?Crineson] owner of an
eighth part, Cornelius Williamson owner (as hee taketh it) of an eighth
part, Peter Lineson of a sixteenth, as hee thinketh, [?Simon] Laurenson
owner of a sixteenth part, and hee this deponent an eighth part
and that they were all of fflushing, but what part the said Peter
Bowert hath hee saith hee knoweth not, neither knoweth hee the
rest of the owners or their parts, hee this deponent going in eight
dayes space to saile after their buying the said shipp, soe that hee had
not time to informe himselfe fully of his owners and their parts, the
said Jacob drogenbrout, Cornelius Williamson and douwer Bradericks
being the principall men that imployed him to goe master of her, And
saith the said shipp is hollands built, and that her said owners bought her in October last.

To the second hee saith the said shipp at the time of her seizure was
laded with 79 fatts, two hogsheads and two tierces of wine, and one fatt of
rozin, all which were laden in the River of Bourdeaux by a Britton that
freighted him named Penanell (or some such name) to be thence carried
to Ponterieux in Bretany, and there (for ought
hee knoweth to the contrary) to be delivered, but for whose accompt
whether for the said Penanells accompt or some other hee saith hee
knoweth not; And saith the said wines are of the growth of ffrance
And otherwise cannot depose, saving the said Penanell told him upon
lading the said wines that hee the said Penanell should be at Pontreux
against the said shipps arivall thereof and saving that one of his company
hath a teirce of wine in the said shipp;

To the third hee saith hee went from fflushing to Bourdeaux in
ballast to seake a freight, and saith the Charter partie for the
said voyage is aboard the said shipp for ought hee knoweth to the
contrary, and that the freight therein mentioned is 24 gilders and
a halfe per fatt from Bourdeaux to Pontreux and the like proportion
for the rosin and 30 gilders for this deponents [?XXloth], and saith the
said Charter partie was made by and betwixt this deponent and
the said [?Pennell], And otherwise cannot depose, saving hee was
to receive his said freight at Ponterieux the place of his dischardge.

To the fourth hee saith hee had his fflushing seabrief or passe
together with his [?light] briefs received from England in the downes, and
his said Charter partie and his passe and cocket from Bourdeaux
And otherwise hee cannot depose, saving hee knoweth not the contents
of his said cocket and passe from Bourdeaux, they being in ffrench
and that the Captaine (Leonard Barnet) that tooke him hath his said
seabrief and light briefs. And otherwise saving as aforesaid hee cannot depose
