HCA 13/70 f.410v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 410 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/12 |
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The 9th of June 1655:_ [CENTRE HEADING]
A business of Examination on the behalfe of dick}
Phillipps and Myn herr Bucker and Company}
concerning the shipp the Peace of Amsterdam}
herman Barenson Master) lately seized}
neere the Barbadoes.}
Examined upon certaine Interrogatories
ministred on the behalfe of the
said dick Philips and Companie
Garret Gillison of Alckmaer in holland Mariner
aged 23. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse sworne before
the right worshippfull John Godolphin doctor of Lawes one
of the Judges of the high Court of Admiraltie, saith
and declareth as followeth videlicet./
To the first hee saith, That hee this examinate hath knowne the shippe the
Peace interrate for about 12. moneths last past, during most of which
time hee hath served aboard her and thereby well knoweth that the said
shipp did and doeth belong to the Port of Amterdam, where this rendent
hath seene and observed, that dick Phillips and one Mr Bicker of
Amsterdam were there aboard the said shipp before her departure upon
her last voiage thence to Guiney and so for the West Indies, and saith, That the
said Philips and Bicker and Companie were then and have ever since been commonly
and generally esteemed taken and reputed to bee the true and lawfull
Owners of the said shipp and of her Tackle apparrell furniture and lading
and that they were and are Burghers of Amsterdam and subjects of the
United Netherlands and for such were and are well knowne and generally
reputed Amd otherwise cannot depose:-
To the second hee saith, That the said shipp upon her Voiage interrate
came last before her seizure from the high-land of Ambo[?g]es in Guiney
laden with Negroes about 250. in number, and a great quantity of
Elephants teeth which were for the accompt of the said shipps Owners
and of her Master and Companie, but what the value thereof was
hee saith hee cannot particularly expresse, saving hee beleeveth the said
shipps Cargazoon was really worth ten thousand pounds sterling
To the third hee saith, That the said shipp and lading were at the time
of their seizure by the English under sayle about 6. leagues from the
Barbadoes being designed for some of the West India Islands, where they
might come to the best markett, but for what particular place or plantation
this deponent saith hee knoweth not, neither was it (soe farr as hee knoweth)
resolved upon by the Master or knowne by the said shipps Companie And
further cannot depose.
To the 4th hee saith the said shipp the Peace and her lading were surprized
and taken being under saile upon the high and open seas about 6. leagues as aforesaid
from the Barbadoes by an English friggatt in the service of this Commonwealth
whose name or Commannder hee saith hee knoweth not, but saith that
hee this rendent was then aboard the said shipp the Peace, and was one of
her Companie, and saw the said shipp and her said Master harman
Baronson and Companie were brought ashoare at Barbadoes where
this rendent left the said Master and the shipps Carpenters Gunner and
others, and some others of them (besides this rendent) are as hee beleeveth
since arrived here in England and in the Netherlands, And that the said
shipps and goods are in the Custodie of the said seizors in which this deponent [?XXX XXX XXX GUTTER]
Repeated before doctor Clerke:-/
The marke of
Garret + Gillison [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]