HCA 13/70 f.39v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.39v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of her company carried into Plymouth, where as hee hath heard and beleeveth
the master and some of her Company of the Saint Jaques were examined touching their sayd shipp and goods
before the Mayor of Plymouth The premisses hee deposeth being Boatswaine
of the handmayde aforesayd and on board her when shee and her company
seized the Saint Jaques as aforesayd And further hee cannot depose saveing that
by her built or mould shee the Saint Jaques doth seeme to bee a ffrench built shipp and hee beleeveth her
soe to be for the reasons aforesayd./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

Samuell Munden [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd allegation/

Rp. 3

Phillipp Maior of ffoy in the County of Cornwall Mariner
one of the Company of the shipp the handmayde aged 32 yeares
or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet.

To the first article hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth that the arlate
Captaine Charles Wills the tyme arlate and before had a Commission under the
great seale of this Court (which Commission hee hath seene and heard read) to seize
and take the shipps and goods of the ffrench King and his subiects And saith that
the sayd Captaine Wills with this deponent and the rest of his company being
at sea in the shipp handmayde inm the moneth of September last on the sayd
warlike imployment the sayd Captaine Wills and Company of the shipp
Handmayde did on or about the twentith day of September last aforesayd
by vertue of the sayd Commission surprize and take the arlate shipp the Saint Jaques and her ladeing and brought
the same and the master of her and some of her company (how many hee
remembret not) into Plymouth the premisses hee deposeth being one of the
Company of the handmayde and present when the Saint Jaques was seized
And further to this article hee cannot depose

To the second hee saith after the seizure of the sayd shipp Saint Jaques and that shee
was brought to Plymouth as aforesayd this deponent heard a report in
P;ymouth that there was then noe Judges in the Court of Admiralty
to grannt any Commission for examination of them and
Company of the Saint Jaques and further hee cannot depose./

To the third hee cannot depose not being present at the examination of the Master and
others of the Company of the Saint Jaques before the Maior of Plymouth nor
seeing the sayd Maior seale or subscribe the schedule arlate./

To the 4th hee saith the Saint Jaques aforesayd seemeth by her mould to be a ffrench
built shipp And hee heard two or three of the sayd shipp Saint Jaques
company who could speake broken English saye in broken English that the sayd
shipp did belonge to Grandville in ffrance and that the Owners of her and her ladeing
and the Master and company of her were all ffrench men and the sayd shipp bound
for ffrance with her sayd ladeing on board her or to the like effect And further hee cannot

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/