HCA 13/70 f.39r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 39 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/08/20 |
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of this Court was sent to and desyred to procure a Commission to the effects
aforesayd who returned answere that there were then noe Judges for the graunting
any such Commission, whereupon this deponent kept the sayd Master and others of the
Company of the Saint Jacques by the space of sixe weekes after their first
seizure and arrivall at Plymouth with intente to have had them examined as aforesayd by
authority from this Court, but not hearing of any Judges being settled and appointed
for this Court of Admiralty this deponent, (having had the sayd Master of the Saint Jacques and one more of his company) examined before
the [?MXXXX] of Plymouth imediately after the sayd shipp was brought into Plymouth
and saving there were then noe Judges appointed of and for the Admiralty Court) did suffer the Master
of the Saint Haques and the rest of his Company to departe, And saith that the schedule
in the third article of the sayd allegation mentioned and now showed to him this deponent
and by him perused at the tyme of this his examination was and is as hee beleeveth
true [?expresse] undeer the hand of the Maior of Plymouth and his seale of his Mayoralty
of what was before him confessed touching the sayd shipp Saint Jacques by Peter
Tullon the Master thereof and ffrancis Boillon one of the Company of the sayd shipp
upon their examination before him And further to these articles hee cannot
To the 4th article hee saith the arlate shipp Saint Jacques was and is a ffrench built shipp
as the Master of her informed and told this deponent And hee saith the sayd Master
of her and all her company were ffrench men and subiects of the ffrench
King and bound and goeing for ffrance and the sayd Master and the rest of the sayd shipps
Company did in the ffrench tongue (which this deponent well understandeth) confesse and
acknowledge soe much at and divers tymes after their seizure. And further hee
cannot depose.
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
Charles wills [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The same day [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the sayd allegation and schedule
Rp. 2
Samuell Munden of ffoy in the County of Cornwall
Mariner Boatswaine of the shipp the handmayde aged
21 yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet
To the first second third and 4th articles of the sayd allegation and schedule in the said aricle mentioned hee saith that hee
well knoweth that at the tyme arlate the arlate Charles Wills was Captaine
of the shipp the handmayde and had then a Commission under the seale of this Court
to seize with his sayd shipp handmayde the shipps and goods of the ffrench kinge
and his subiects And saith that the sayd Captaine Wills being at sea in the
moneth of September last did by vertue of the said Commission on or about the
twentith day of the sayd moneth surprize and take a vessell or shipp called
the Saint Jaques and her ladeing consisting of drye fish and trayne oyle, which shipp
and ladeing as this deponent (who understandeth the ffrench tongue) heard divers of the
Company of the Saint Jaques saye and confesse after their seizure did belonge to
ffrench men subiects of the ffrench King and was bound then for ffrance And
saith the said shipp being soe taken was with her ladeing and her Master and divers