HCA 13/70 f.40r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 40 |
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Colin Greenstreet |
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The same day [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the sayd allegation/
Rp. 4
John Morwell of Waymouth in the County of dorset Mariner
Purser of the shipp handmayde aged 29 yeares or thereabouts
a witnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet
To the first and 2 articles hee saith hee well knoweth that at the tyme arlate and for divers
moneths before the arlate Charles Wills was Captaine of the shipp Handmayde
and had a Commission under the seale of this Court to seize the shipps and goods of the ffrench king and his subiects
the premisses hee the better knoweth having seene and coppyed the sayd Commission And saith
the sayd Captaine Wills being at sea and this deponent and others of
his Company with him in the moneth of September last in the shipp handmayde
aforesayd, did on or about the 20th day of the sayd moneth of September last
seize and take the arlate shipp the Saint Jaques and her ladeing consisting of drye
ffish Corn ffish and traine oyle and carried the sayd shipp and her ladeing
imediately after her seizure togeather with the Master and three or fower of the Company
of the Saint Jaques into Plymouth, intending as this deponent beleeveth
to have them there examined by authority of this Court. And further hee cannot
To the third and schedule therein specified hee saith hee cannot depose of his certayne
knowledge for that hee was not present at any examination before the Maior of
Plymouth, nor sawe the sayd Maior subscribe or seale the schedule arlate./
To the 4th hee saith by her mould the Saint Jaques appeareth to bee a ffrench built
shipp And saith the Master and Company all of them spake ffrench and as hee beleeveth
were all ffrench men and subiects of the ffrench Kinge And the ladeing
of the sayd shipp (as this deponents contest Captaine Wills and others of the Company of the hand=
mayde who could speake ffrench told this deponent the Master of the Saint Jaques and Company did
confesse to them) did belong to ffrench men subiects of the sayd King and was bound
for ffrance when she was seized And further hee cannot depose./
To the last hee saith this foregeing deposition is true./
The 19th of december 1654. [CENTRE HEADING]
Touching the shipp the}
Leopard of Courland.}
ffra: B[?oeve] [?debet]
Claes Tuneson of fflushing Mariner, master of the
shipp the Leopard of Courland aged 26 yeares or
thereabouts sworne as in the acts of Court saith
and deposeth as followeth.
That the said shipp the [?Lapert] with all her lading that was in
her when shee was staid neare Bristoll was and is belonging to his
Excellence the duke of Courland, saving fourtie three barrells
of ginger which are for one Peter Johnson hoofstaen of Amsterdam.
And saith that about eight monethes since the said shipp the [?Lapaert]
came and arived at Martinica one of the Charibbe Islands
(where this deponent then was) under the conduct of Cornelius ffreka
or ffrederickson and company; and there the said Cornelius ffrederickson
his Stiersman leaving the said shipp to goe home to Amsterdam, the