HCA 13/70 f.387r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 387 |
Side | Recto |
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IMAGE: IMG_0387.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/20 | |
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Edited on 05/08/2016 by Colin Greenstreet |
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of Tobacco's at Bordeaux, and had shipped the same in a
flemish vessell for his accompt for Morleaux, And he
further saith that he did often heare the said producent
say that he wondred that he heard not of the said
Tobacco's and was in much expectation to heare of them
a long while, untill at length the news came that
the said fflemish vessell with the said Tobacco's in her,
was seized on by an English private man of warr
between Bordeaux and Morleaux and carryed into
Jersey or Guarnsey And further he cannot depose.
To the Interrogatoryes [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he commeth to testify in
this cuse at the request of the producent, that it will bee
neither proffitt nor losse to him the Rendent whatsoever
becomes of the goods interrate, And to the rest negatively./
To the second Interrogatory he answereth that he was in England
when the said Tobacco's were bought, And he saith that
the producent Mr harbyn did tell and acquaint this Rendent
that he had orderd the money to be received by Mr Carey for
the buying of the said Tobacco's, And to
the rest he cannot answeare./
To the third he answereth that he this Rendent hath seene
many of the producents Letters concerneing his Merchant=affaires
but he saith he doth not remember particularly that he saw
the Letter, which as the said producent told this Rendent he
had writt to the said Mr Carey about the Tobacco's interrate And further he
cannot answeare.
The fourth and fifth Interrogatoryes concerne not this Rendent.
Repeated before Doctor Clerke./
Richard Beavis. [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
25th of June 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
Slany and Chappell against}
Nathanael Browning of the parish of Saint James
Clarkenwell in the County of Middlesex Clothworker
a wittnes produced, and sworne and being
examined he deposeth and saith as followeth./
To the Eighth, ninth, tenth and eleaventh articles of the sayd Libell
he deposeth and saith That he this deponent was in or about
the monethof ffebruary last past appoynted Landwayter
unto the shipp the George of London arlate (wherof
one Richard Steevens was Master) and that he the deponent in
the performance of his duty belonging to his sayd place was
present at Cocks=Key adioyning unto ffresh=wharfe nigh London bridge
when a great Number of Raysins [?Solis] were taken on shoare
out of a Lighter, which came from aboard the said shipp
the George of London with the said goods, and that of he barrells
of Raysins Solis then taken on shoare there were about two and
forty barrells very much damnifyed by having received wett And he
saith that he verily beleiveth the said goods received their dammage
in the said Lighter (the name wherof he knoweth not) because they
were wett at their taking out of the sayd Lighter, And he