HCA 13/70 f.386r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 386 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/11/20 |
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servant did copy out the said Letter the producent wrote and
sent unto the said William Carey, and doth well remember
and knowe that the contents of the said Letter were as is
by jim predeposed And further he cannot depose./
To the second article of the sayd allegation and to the first
and second schedules therin mentioned he deposeth and saith
That he hath seene here in this Citty of London the arlate
James Churchey, and that he knoweth him to bee an
Englishman , and that he hath credibly heard that the arlar Nicholas
Saunders is an Englishman, and that before he
went into ffrance he lived in the West part of England,
And he further deposeth that the first schedule is all the
proper handwriting of the arlate William Cary, and alsoe
that William Cary subscribed unto the second schedule is
the proper handwriting of him the arlate William Cary,
The which he knoweth having often seene his the said
Cary's handwriting and that therby he is well acquainted therewith
And he saith that of his certaine knowledge the
producent did by bills of exchange remitt the moneys unto
the said Cary that bought the said Tobacco's, And otherwise
referring himselfe to the said two schedules he cannot depose./
To the third article and to the schedule therin mentioned he
cannot depose./
To the fourth he saith that the Dutch shipp wherin the
tenne hogsheads of Tobacco's were laden for the Accompt of
the producent was (as he hath heard) seized upon by an
English private man of warr between Bourdeaux and
Morleaux And further he cannot depose./
To the Interrogatoryes [CENTRE HEADING]
To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he commeth to testify
in this cause by the order of the producent his Master, and
that it wilbee neither benefitt nor preiudice to him the REndent
whether the goods interrate bee recovered or lost And to the rest he answereth negatively.
To the second Interrogatory he answereth that the aforenamed William
Cary did pay in ffrance for the Tobacco's interrate with the interrate
harbyn's money, The premisses he knoweth for that he this
Rendent did for his Master pay the money unto one Mr John
Clerke of London Merchant, who drew a bill upon a Merchant
in Rochell for the sayd money to be payd unto the said Cary
for the producents accompt, But he saith he now doth not
remember the certaine summe of money he soe payd for the producent
and that he never was in ffrance, And further he cannot
To the third he answereth that he referreth himselfe to his deposition
made to the first article of the allegation, And further saving that
the said Letter was all written by the producent he cannot answeare.
The fourth and fifth Interrogatoryes concerne not this Rendent./
Repeated before Doctor Clerk./