HCA 13/70 f.340v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.340v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


with him the said david Sellick for the transport of his this deponents
said goods to this port of London for and at the rate of seaven pounds per Tunne, the
said Sollicitor then alsoe promising to this deponent That if any goods
were laden aboard the said shipp to be transported thence for England at
a lesser rate, then this deponent shpuld pay accordingly, hee further saith
that hee very well knoweth that the schedule allate annexed to the
said Allegation and now seene and diligently perused by this deponent
was and is one and the selfe same schedule which this deponent writt
with his owne hand at Virginia aforesaid, and inclosed the same on a
packett of letters as aforesaid, which was designed and directed to this
deponents friends in England (who received the same) to whom this deponent thereby gave order
to receive the said Tobaccoes at their arrivall in England, and saith
the contents of the said schedule were and are reall and true to which
hee referreth, And as for the actuall lading of the said goods aboard the said
shipp hee saith hee was not present at the same, but is well assured
both by the confession of the said Captaine Swanley and the said
shipps boatswaine and sewerall others, that a great
quantity of Tobaccoes marked as aforesaid were by the said Sellicks
direction laden aboard the said shipp Providnce, wherein they were
transported to and arrived in safety at this Port of London And
further cannot depose:-/

Repeated before doctor Clerke:-/



The eighteenth of July 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of John Taviell of Lile in}
fflanders and Peter Ayrall of Porto in Portugall}
for three chests of white sugar in the Orange}
tree Reyner Cornelison.}

Examined on an allegation on behalfe of the

dt. Ca[?XXXXe]


Charles vaissiere of London Merchant aged
25 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.

To the first article hee deposeth and saith that hee this deponent having for
eight yeares or thereabouts (ended about Easter last) served his contest Michaell
Castel a correspondent of the producent John Taviell, hath knowne the
said John by his correspondencie with his said contest, and by severall Claimes
that have bin made in this Court on the behalfe of the said John and the arlate
Peter Ayrall in partnershipp, and by severall letters and accompts which hee hath
seene in the custodie of his said contest hee saith hee knoweth that the said
John and Peter to have traded together in partnershipp, and saith that by the
said Johns order, the said Mr Castell hath sent goods to Porto in Portugall
to the said Peter Ayrall, and there buy goods recovered in this Court that
were sent from Portugall from the said Ayrall for the accompt of him and the said Taviell
which hee saith were upon their ioynt accompt, as by the letters in that behalfe
(which this deponent hath seene) appeared. And otherwise hee cannot depose
