HCA 13/70 f.340r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.340r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


this deponent first came to know and understand that the Tobaccoes predeposed
marked as aforesaid were the proper goods of the said George Johnson
and were to bee transported upon his accompt and adventure, And saith
hee verily beleeveth that the schedule aforesaid was and is the memoriall
schedule which this deponent saw taken out of the letter aforesaid, and
compared the same with this deponents booke by order of the said Captaine
Swanley. And further cannot depose:-

Repeated before doctor Clerke:-/



The 17th day of July 1655 Examined upon the said
Allegation and schedule thereunto annexed

Rp. 2us.

George Johnson of Canterburie Merchant aged
27 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth videlicet:/

To the said Allegation and schedule annexed hee saith and deposeth, That hee
this deponent being the allate George Johnson in the said Allegation mentioned
being at Virginia in or about the moneths of May or June 1654. last past
did there buy the quantity of 34. hogsheads of Virginia Tobaccoe, which hee
marked or caused to be marked as in the said schedule is expressed
which 34. hogsheads of tobaccoe were then truely and really belonging to this
deponent the sile and whole Proprietor thereof as hee was, is and ought
to bee, And saith that this deponents occasions calling him away from Virginia
for New England, hee left the said Tobaccoees in Virginia in the
Custodie of one david Sellick the Merchant and employer of the shipp
the Providnce allate, whereof George Swanley allate was Master or
Commander, and left order to and with the said Sellick and Stephen horsey
this deponents Attorney there, to lade or cause to bee laden aboard the said
shipp Providence for this deponents proper accompt and upon his sole adventure
the said 34. hogs geads of Tobaccoess marked numbred and weighing
as in the said schedule is expressed, which schedule this deponent saith hee
writt with his owne hand at Virginia, and left the same inclosed
in a packet of letters designed for England, in the hands and Custodie
of the said david Sellick, who (as this deponent hath understood) died shortly
after this deponent went thence, and after his death (as this deponent hath alsoe
been credibly informed) his the said Sellicks widdow at the request of
this deponents said Attorney and for the prevention of confusion that might
arise about the interests of the said Sellick and this deponent (as having
both laded Tobaccoes aboard the said shipp for their respective accompts)
the said packets of letters was opened aboard the said shipp and therein the said
schedule was found and compared with the said shipps Boateswaines
booke. And saith that hee this deponent did really contract and agree