HCA 13/70 f.328r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.328r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



[?AX. dXX]

The seventeenth day of May 1655.

On the behalfe of Samuel Wilson London merchant}
the] owner of the shipp the}
Hope of London John Stevens master}
and of Thomas Collins}
John Rivers and others owners of he}
goods aboard her lately seized by a}
Brest man of warr, and afterwards}
rescued by a dunkerker}


Henry Shepard of Pilton in the County of devon sSailer
aged 23 yeares or thereabouts, and henry [?Bennon] of
London Sailer aged eighteene yeares or thereabouts
sservant of John Stephens master of the said shipp the
Hope sworne before the high Court of the Admiraltie
of England say and depose by vertue of their oathes as followeth

That the said shipp the hope of London whereof the said John Steavens
was master, was in or about the beginning of ffebruary last (newe stile)
at Estipana (a port in Spaine neare Malega) laden by
John Rives an English merchant Resident in Mallega partner of Thomas Collins there
alsoe resident with fraile fruit of the growth of Estipan, thence to be transported
to this port of London and here to be delivered to Richard Rives
English merchant Resident in this citie. And that in the course
of her proceeding from Estipana for this port comming off Portland
on the English coast, shee was met with and with her said lading
seized by a Brest-man of warr named the Cornel[?XX] commannded by one Captaine Codd
an Irish man by vertue of a Commission (as hee affirmed) from
Charles Steward, and that as the said man of warr after the said seizure
was carrying the said shipp the hope and her lading for Brest
namely on or about the five and twentieth of Aprill last (old stile)
as shee laye a little by the westward of haver de Grace to expect the
comming faire of the winde for breat, a shallop of dunquirke
sailing as a private man of warr came and rescued the said shipp
hope and her lading and carried them to dunquirke
where they are nowe remayning: All which they knowe to be true
because they were of the said shipp the hope her company and
sawe her said lading at Estipane and the said seizure of her
by the Brest man of warr, and the said rescue by the shallop
of dunquirke in which shallop theise deponents were as they
say carried to dunquirke in company of their said shipp the hope.
And further say that the said Samuell Wilson was and is the owner of the
said shipp hope and of her tackle and furniture and for such
commonly accompted, ad that shee was sett and furnished out on the
said voyage from dartmouth at his costs and chardges as sole owner
of her, And that the said Thomas Collins and John Rives were and
are commonly accompted and reputed the owners of the said lading
of fruite.

The marke of henry

The marke of henry
[?Bennan]. [MARKE, RH SIDE]