HCA 13/70 f.327r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.327r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The 14th of May 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of John Brewer}
touching the shipp the Seaventure John}
Sneller, master, in a matter of Assurance}

Browne dt.


John Sneller of Shoreham in the
County of Sussex Mariner, master
of the said shipp the Seaventure
aged 50 yeares or thereabouts sworne
before the right worshippfull William Clerke
doctor of Lawes one of the Judges of
the high Court of the Admiraltie, and
examined upon certaine Interrogatories ministred on the
behalfe of the said John Brewer, saith and
deposeth as followeth.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee well knew and was
master of the said shipp the Seaventure of Brighthampston
in her last voyage from Plimouth for honfleur in the
River of Roane, in which voyage one Monsieur hozan a ffrenchman
wemt in her and was to dispose of her
lading of ffish.

To the second hee saith that the said shipp set saile from Plimouth
on the said voyage on or about the seaventeenth day of January last past, and
when shee came out to sea the weather proving fowle, this
deponent and company put with her into the Ile of Wight and
there staid for the coming of the weather faire about a weeke,
and then sett saile againe for the said port of honfleur, and
that the next day after such her departure from the said Ile
comming about three leagues short of New-haven the said shipp
with her lading of Banck ffish were met with and taken by
an Ostend man of warr (Captaine Pare Commander)
and thence carried to Ostend, where the said
lading of Banck fish were condemned for prize as being
provision of victuall, going to the enemies of the kinge of
Spaine, but the shipp was released as being English and belonging
to those that were in amitie with the Spaniards, and hee saith
hee conceiveth the ffish hough it had bin belonging to English
would have bin condemned, being provision of victuall, and going
to the Takers enemies, but whether it were the goods of English
or not hee knoweth not, saving what followeth.

To the third article hee saith and deposeth that Mr John Marten
an English merchant living in Plimouth freighted the said shipp
for the said voyage, and laded the said fish aboard her there,
but whether for his owne accompt or not this deponent knoweth
not, but the said Marten made not any mention of the name of
any other, but himselfe as the person for whose accompt
the said afreightment and ladeing was made, and the Charter
partie betweene them was in the sole name of the said Marten
as lader for his owne accompt, and soe was the bill of lading.
but diverse men at Plimouth asking this deponent who freighted
him, and hee saying Mr Marten, they answered, hee (speaking of the said Mr Marten) deales for the ffrench.

To the fourth Interrogatorie hee saith that the Interrogated
Captaine Ozan or Oze, a ffrenchman comming from the Banck