HCA 13/70 f.326v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 326 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/01/05 |
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thirteenth of Aprill last and continued the sspace of twenty foure howers and better
with great violence, In both which stormes the sayd shipp tooke very much water by
reason the sea wrought over the shipps side and decks soe that the same was in great
danger of being cast away and the Company of her of perishing, And hee saith that what
damage is happened to the sayd shipps ladeing happened not by any defect or
insufficiencie of the sayd shipp, or for want of dennage and good stowing the goods or through any neglect of the
sayd shipps company, but only by reason of the sayd stormees and the violence of them, which
was soe great, that this deponent (having used to goe to sea these twenty yeares) never
conceived him selfe to be in the like danger of being cast away as hee was in the sayd
stormes, The premisses hee deposeth for the reasons aforesayd and further
hee cannot depose./
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
Repeated before doctor Clarke
the marke of the sayd
Isaack [MARKE] Allbury [MARKE, RH SIDE]
The same day [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the sayd allegation/
William Carter of Shadwell in the parish of Stepney alias Stenbenheath
in the County of Middlesex Mariner Gunner of the shipp hopewell
aged twenty fower yeares or thereabouts a witnes sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet
To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee went Gunner of the sayd
shipp hopewell the voyage in question and well knoweth that during
all the tyme arlate videlicet at the sayd shipps setting forth upon the sayd voyage
during the moneths of October November and december 1654 arlate and during all her stay
at Scanderoone, and till her comeing home from thence to London the sayd shipp was a
tight stronge and staunch vessell and fitt and in good condition to carry Merchants goods The
premisses hee deposeth for the reasons abovesayd and further saving his subsequent
deposition hee cannot depose./
To the second and third articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and deposeth that hee
well knoweth the sayd shipp did at Scanderoone arlate take in divers goods and
Merchandizes and saith hee this deponent helped to stowe them, and thereby knoweth that
they were well and carefully stowed upon wood and matts sufficient to make
dennage for them and all care taken that could be by the arlate George Case and Company
that the sayd goods might be preserved from damage but saith the says shipp un her
course from Scanderoone to London mett with two very violent stormes the first
whereof happened off of Callery an Island in the Streights being about 38 degrees and a halfe
latitude, and upon or about the 12th of January last the winde being West North West and somtymes North West which storme was soe violent that the
Master and Company for the better safety of their owne lives, and the sayd shipp and goods could for the
dayes space beare only a peece of the mizen sayle, And the second storme happened
about the 13th of Aprill last Off of Silly the winde then blowing South East by South which
storme continued the space of 24 howers and more In which stormes the sayd shipp tooke in [?very]
much water, the sea running often cleere over her decks soe that shee was in great danger
of sinking and her company like to be cast away And hee saith the damage that happened to the
sayd shipps ladeing happened meerely thorugh the violence of the sayd stormes and not through
any neglect if the shipps Company, or tby any defect of the sayd shipp, or want of good
stowage, This hee knoweth for the reasons aforesayd being an eyewitnes of the premisses
And further hee cannot depose./
To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./
Repeated before doctor Clarke
William Carter [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
See the 5th witnesse in A10/
in the foregoeing booke/
namely the nineth booke./