HCA 13/70 f.270r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.270r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the shipp called the dolphin laden with pitch and resin, And saith
That upon or about the fowerth day of July 1651. the said Captaine
and Companie schedulate in the said shipp Constant did meeta with
surprize and take a shipp called the Winter king laden with Corne
All which sewerall shipps with their respective laadings so seized by the
Constant were brought or sent up to Portsmouth, where they came to the
hands possession and disposall of the said Isaac Philips or his Agents.
The premisses this deponent declareth for that hee served as Quarter master in
and aboard the said shipp Constant in and at the time of the seizure of
the said respective shipps and ladings, and saw them brought up to Portsmouth
and there delivered, And for that hee this deponent with Simon Ba[?r]ly the
Younger Master of the said Vessell the Constant and others the Officers
of the said shipp caused a list to be taken or made of all the said shipps
Companie present at the seizures aforesaid, together with their respective
qualities and imployments and aboard the said shipp and of their sewerall
shares due unto them proportionable to their said qualities, and employments
by reason whereof, and of the notice this deponent tooke of the persons schedulated
in the sewerall Voiages aforesaid, hee saieth hee is well assured that the said
persons schedulate did serve in and aboard the said Constant at the respective
seizures aforesaid as in the said schedule is expressed. And further hee
cannot depose./

Repeated before doctor Clerke:-/

William Smith [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]



Examined upon the said Allegation and schedule./

Rp. 2us.

John Diett of Limehouse in the parish of Stepney
Mariner late Cooper of the shipp the Constant aforesaid
aged 50. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnesse sworne and
examined saith as followeth videlicet

To the said Allegation in the Acts of Court and schedule hee saith and deposeth
that he this deponent being Cooper of the shipp the Constant
allegate was present aboard her when that Captaine hurly
and the said shipps Company, which were the persons nominated
in the allegate schedule tooke and surprized at severall
times one hoye laden with herrings, that alsoe
tooke and surprized a shipp called the
Saint Jospeh laden with salt, prunes, vinegar abd other
goods, and that the sayd shipp the Concord, which was laden
with Bahia Sugars, with Shewmack and other goods
which said shipp the Concord and the goods in her were
worth about two thousand five hundred pounds (as he
beleeveth) And he alsoe deposeth and saith that the
allegate shipp the Constant and her Company being
the persons schedulate did take and surprize a shipp
called the Dolphin laden with pitch and rosin and
a shipp called the Winter king laden with Rye, and
alsoe another shipp called the [?Is]land of [?XXXX] with