HCA 13/70 f.202v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.202v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 11th hee saith that when this deponent was at Kingsale the tyme
the sayd shipp Trooper was brought thither by the sayd Captaine Tayler
he sawe there some of the Companyes of the arlate Captaine dillon and
Captaine Meldrum who were taken prisoners, which prisoners did upon
examination before the Governor of Kingsale and others saye and averre that
ther sayd Captaines were subiects of this Commonwealth, and did belong
to Brest in Brittanie and did sayle from thence with the Comissions of the
titular King of Scotts And further hee cannot depose/

To the 12th article hee saith that the Owners in this article named videlicet Edward
Warr Ralph Wilson William King Daniell Bowman Bartholomew
[?Rice] Patrick Creagh and Thomas Holmes formerly mentioned in this
deponents deposition are all of them subiects of this Commonwealth and all save
ther sayd Creagh Inhabitants of Limbrick arlate And otherwise
saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose./

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true/

Repeated in Court before doctor Clarke
and doctor Godolphin./

Robt Wilkinson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The second of January 1654.

On the behalfe of Beniamin Whetcombe}
and Phillip Jackson of London Marchants}
touching a losse in the Mary of London.}

Rp. 1

William ffishman of Wapping in the
County of Middlesex Mariner, late master
of the said shipp the Mary of London
aged 57 yeares or thereabouts sworne in the Admiraltie
the day abovesaid and examined upon certaine Interrogatories
ministred on the behalfe of the said Beniamin [?Whetcombe]
and Phillip Jackson saith as followeth.

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee well
knew and was master of the shipp the mary of London interrogated
at the time of her late being at Malaga and from thence bound for
this port of London.

To the second and third hee saith that hee well knoweth Mr
Beniamin Whetcombe and Phillip Jackson interrogated and hath soe
done for theise foure yeares last and upwards, and saith that the said
voyage namely about the tenth of October last there were laden for the
accompt of them the said Whetcombe and Jackson aboard the said shipp
at Malaga to be transported to this port 30 butts of Malaga wine
150 barrells (or thereabouts) of tenn rooves a peece of raisins of
the sunn, 50 barrells (of 5 rooves a peece) of the like raisns, and
720 peeces of [?fraile] raisins, and two barrells of potato's, two parts
(of three) of all which goods hee saith were for the said Mr Jacksons accompt and
other third for the said Mr Whetcombes accompt, and
saith the said goods were soe laden by William Jackson a
merchant at Malega, and factor for the said producents Mr