HCA 13/70 f.202r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 202 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/11/16 |
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the permitting the sayd shipp Trooper to prosecute her sayd former voyage And this
deponent hath heard that the sayd shipp did proceede on her sayd first intended
voyage with her sayd Master and Merchant aboard her and was soone after her
departure from Kingsale taken at sea by some Brest men of warr, and suddainly
after such her seizure retaken by the arlate Captaine Vessey then Commander of
a ffrigott in the imediate service of this Commonwealth and carried by him
into Corke in Ireland, And saith hee hath heard the sayd Captaine Vessey
and the arlate daniell Bowman both of them saye that upon the sayd shipp
Trooper her arrivall at Corke aforesay the Commissioners for prize goods
there and the sayd Captaine Vessey finding that the sayd shipp Trooper was
the same shipp which had bin formerly rescued from Brest men of warr
by Captaine Taylor aforesayd and brought by him into Kingsale as aforesayd
did deliver and restore the sayd shipp Trooper and her ladeing to the arlate daniell Bowman who (as hee told this deponent and the sayd Captaine Vessey
who receaved the same since confessed to this deponent) payed salvage for the
same And further to these articles hee cannot depose./
To the 9th and 10th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee this
deponent happened to be at Corke arlate about some occasions of his owne spoone
after the sayd shipp Trooper was there discharged and being a familiar
acquaintance of the sayd daniell Bowman one of the Owners of the sayd
shipp and her ladeing and frequent in his company there, knoweth that hee the sayd
Bowman did cause the remaynder of the ladeing of the sayd shipp Trooper which
was unplundered to be sold and then ordered her to dissist from prosecution
of hier sayd former intended voyage and caused her to be sent from thence
to Limbrick with salte and other Commodities where shee remayned in the Custody
and possession of the sayd Bowman Warr and the rest of her owners aforesayd
who have since of this deponents knowledge sold the sayd shipp Trooper And
this deponent well knoweth that the shipp Trooper and her ladeing sett forth
from Limbrick in manner predeposed, and the shipp Trooper and her adeing taken at
Sea by the arlate dillon and Meldram and rescued by Captaine Tayloer as aforesayd
and brought into Kingsale by him (where this deponent sawe her
and her ladeing) and which afterwards was sett to sea againe and againe surprized
by Brest men of warr and rescued by the arlate Captaine Vessey and by him
brought into Corke aforesayd (where this deponent alsoe sawe her and her ladeing
left aboard her) and afterwards sent a boat with salt and other Commodities to
Limbrick as aforesayd, is one and the same shipp and not divers And that
the goods and Merchandizes brought in her into Kingsale by the sayd Captaine
Taylor and into Corke aforesayd by the sayd Captaine Vessey were part
of the ladeing which hee this deponent sawe put on board her at her first
ladeing at Limbrick this hee knoweth for the reasons vefore expressed for that
hee saw the remaynders of the sayd ladeing unplundered at her being at
Kingsale and Corke as aforesayd and at Corke sawe the whole remaynder of
her sayd Ladeing sold by the sayd Bowman And further to these articles hee
cannot depose./