HCA 13/70 f.192v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.192v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


after that the said shipp with her lading were brought up into this
Port of London:-/

To the Crosse Interrogatories: [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee answereth, That hee expecteth no benefitt in case the
demorage interrate bee paid, And otherwise negatively:-/

To the second hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof, being absent
and not seeing the unladeing interrate:-

To the third hee saith hee knoweth nothing thereof./

To the 4th hee saith hee this rendent was part owner with his precontest,
John Bleeker of 4100 lb weight of rozen which are as hee hath
understood discharged by order of this Court, And further cannot depose

Repeated before doctor Clerke



The second day of January 1654/5. [CENTRE HEADING]

ffreeman and others against Plover for their}
interest in the shipp Sarah Bonadventure [?XXX]}

Examined upon the Libell aforesaid


Joane Freman of Fanchurch parrish in the
Citie of London Widdow aged 60. yeares or
thereabouts sworne and examined upon the said

To the first article or position of the said Libell this deponent saith and deposeth
That within the time lilate, and particularly in or about the yeare of
our Lord 1644. and 1645: the arlate Richard ffreeman was the lawfull
Owner and Proprietor of a part or share of the shipp the Sara Bonad=
venture and of her tackel apparrell and furniture and for
such the said Richard ffreeman within the said time and since hath been
commonly accompted reputed and taken. The premisses this examinate declareth
upon the reasons ensuing, videlicet for that shee this examinate being the Relict of
Robert ffreeman late of London leatherseller (who departed this life about 11.
yeares since) hath severall times heard the said Robert ffreeman her husband
during his life time say and affirme, that hee the said Robert had a parte or
share in the said shipp, which was devolved unto him from the Executors of the
last Will and Testament of John More Merchant, (who had beene this deponents former [?husband]
and that in the right of this examinate, and in part of satisfaction of such [?rights]
as were due to this examinate, out of the estate of the said John More, And
saith the said Robert ffreeman departing this life about 11. yeares since as aforesaid
the said Richard ffreeman in the right of and as executor of the Last will of
the said Robert ffreeman his father became Owner and Proprietor of the said
part or share of the said shipp Sarah Bonadventure, and of her tackle and
furniture, and so continued in peaceable possessiom thereof for all the time
lilate, (so farr as this deponent ever heard or understood) And further cannot
depose, saving this deponent knoweth not, nor doeth shee remember that [?shee]
hath ever credibly heard or observed, how much the part or share of [?her]
said husband Robert ffreeman, or of the said Richard ffreeman