HCA 13/70 f.192r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.192r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


allegate having seized the ladeing of the sayd shipp and payed
freight for the same doe succeede in place of the freighters of the sayd shipp
and to pay all payments whatsoever which the sayd ffreighters did contract
to paye./

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee expecteth to receive his wages due to him
for all the tyme of the demorage and noe more and is promised nothing by the
Interrate Evert Gislin or any other in case the demorage Interrogate bee
adiudged to the Owners Interrogate./

To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith the shipp Interrogate was five or sixe
dayes in unladeing the goods seized in her but the particular tyme when shee
began to unlade and when shee was fully unladen hee remembreth not./

To the 3 Interrogatorie hee saith hee referreth himselfe to the decree of restitution
Interrogate and order of the Commissioners for prize goods thereupon
made and further cannot answere not knowing the date or contents
of either of the,./

To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith hee hath interest in fower thousand and one
hundred pounds weight of rozin seized in the sayd shipp and discharged by
the order of the Court of Admiralty Interrogate And further hee cannot
answere otherwise than negatively./

Repeated with his contest before doctor Clarke.



The 29th day of the same moneth. Examined upon the
Allegation aforesaid


Claus Cornelissen of flushing in Zealand Mariner
late Boateswaine of the said shipp the Elizabeth aged
39. or 40. yeares a Wittnes sworne and examined

To the said Allegation hee saith, That this deponent being Boateswaine of
and on board the shipp the Elizabeth allate during the Voyage now in
question whilest the said shipp lay at Bayon allate to
take in her ladeing, there heard and understood by credible report, that the Master
of the said shipp had declared and affirmed to the Stiersman thereof, That
hee had onely thirtie daies allowed him by his freightors for the lading and unladeing of the
same, and saith That the said shipp lay at Bayon aforesaid in takeing in
the ladeing lately seized on board her from the 25th of August last or thereabouts
till the 28th of September last or thereabouts, so farr as this deponent now remembreth
being about thirty daies more or lesse. And saith the said shipp being so laden
departed with her Cargo towards haver de Grace, and in her Course
thitherwards was mett withall surprized and taken by the Tyger friggatt
in the imediate service of this Commonwealth, and thereupon brought into
the River of Thames, where shee now remaineth. And further cannot depose
sayeing hee this deponent went away from the said shipp about 14. or 15. dayes