HCA 13/70 f.193r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 193 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2014/12/14 |
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was or is to or in the shipp in Controversie./:-
To the second shee saith, shee knoweth nothing of the Contents thereof saving
his precedent deposition to which shee referreth:-
Upon the rest of the articles of the said Libell shee is not examined by
direction of the producent:-/
Repeated before doctor Clerke
The 23. of January .1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the sayd Allegation or Complaint of Nullity:-
Jane Freeman of Fanchurch parish in the Citie of London
Widdow aged 60. yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/
To the fowerth article of the said Allegation shee this examinate saith and deposeth
That shee hath seene and perused a certaine Inventary and accompts of
the estate of Robert ffreeman this deponents husband deceased, wherein shee hath observed
that the shipp Sarah Bonadventure in question is mentioned,
And that one sixteenth part thereof did belong to the said Robert
ffreeman, And saith that by an Extract out of the bookes of accompts of the said
Robert ffreeman, which this deponent hath seene and verily beleeveth to be true and
reall, the said 16th part of the said shipp was and is valewed at 65 li sterling or
thereabouts, And hath observed in and upon the said Robert ffreemans Inventarie that the said shipp
had made three Voiages wherein heee was interessed, but to what valew this deponent
knoweth not. And further cannot depose
To the rest shee is not examined by consent of the producent./
Repeated before doctor Clerke/
[?Jane ?Bremen] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
The 24th day of January .1653:- [CENTRE HEADING]
Dorvile and Companie against}
Tresaure Suckley. Smith}
Examined upon an Allegation given on the behalfe of the
said Tresaure:-/
Tobias Barnes of the parrish of Saint Bride in ffleetstreet
London Gentleman aged 34. or thereabouts a Wittnes sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/
To the first Article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That hee this
deponent hath often seene and perused the Commission or letter of Marque arlate
And further referreth himselfe to the Registrie of this Court and to the Contents
of the said Commission:-
Top the second hee saith, That by Vertue of the said Commission upon or about the
19th day of Aprill 1654:- the arlate keeling and Companie sett out the shipp
or man of warr named the Venture under the Commannd of the arlate
John Tresaure who had the said Commission aboard where this deponent read and
perused the same for his owne satisfaction, and saith that at that time there was
no newes or notice at Yarmouth, from whence the said mann of warr sett saile
upon the Voiage in question, of any peace made concluded or published between
this Commonwealth and the United Netherlands, nor that the said Tresaure and
Companie had any notice thereof, so farr as this deponent, who was in and belonged
to the said Vessell, did then heare or observe. And further cannot depose./