HCA 13/70 f.189r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.189r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 23. day of december 1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]

Stephen Slany Nathan Wright and others}
for goods in the shipp John Adventure. Smith}

dt. Peake

Examined upon Interrogatories on the behalf of the said
Slany and others remaining upon the file of
the yeare 1648; and upon the schedule thereunto annexed

Captaine Eustace Smith of Ipswich in the
Countie of Suffolke formerly Commander of the said
shipp John Adventure a Wittnes sworne and examined

To the 4th of the said Interrogatories and schedule annexed hee saith and deposeth That the said
schedule was made and extracted out of this deponents booke of the
markes and number of the goods, the shipping and consignement thereof as in the
said schedule is expressed, And saith That this deponent being upon his Voyage from
this Port of London towards Saint Lucar or Cadiz in Spaine with the said shipp John
Adventure and her ladeing, (being the Voyage in question) one John Wilmott
a Merchant of this Citie goeing passenger and haveing a very considerable quantitie
of goods and Merchandizes to him belonging in and aboard the said shipp
hee the sad Wilmott some daies before the seizure of the said shipp by
the revolted fleet under Prince Rupert, came to this deponent and told him hee would
give him one of the neatest boxe combes that ever hee had seene, and thereupon
at the desire of the said John Wilmott the deponent went with him between the
decks of the said shipp, where being come the said Wilmot opened a great
Chest or trunke which hee had there, expressely to take out and give this deponent
the said combe which hee had so promised, and at the same time showed unto
this deponent who then and there observed a parcell of bonelace and silver lace, a
parcell of stockings amd two with scarlett cloakes new with a rich gould and
silver lace, which hee the said Wilmott then and there affirmed to this deponent
were his proper goods, whereupon this deponent replyed, Mr Wilmott I much
admire that you should lett a trunke of goods of so great valew stand here
and not to be putt into the hold, for if they should come to be imbeazeled broke
up and stole away, there being no bills of ladeing signed for the same, there
is none that can or ought to be responsible to you for them, or words to that
or the like effect, hee further saith, That this deponent never entred the
said goods nor any of them into his said booke, neither are they mentioned
in the schedule interrate (being as aforesaid an Extract out of the said booke)
for that this deponent tooke no charge of, nor signed any bill of ladeing
for the same, And saith This deponent verily beleeveth and is convinced in
Conscience by the observation hee then made of the said goods being very
rich and costly, that they were of the valew of three hundred and
thirty pounds sterling or thereabouts. And as to the
particular quantities or valewes of the said goods this deponent saith hee
cannot depose, neither doeth hee remember or did take notice of the
marke or markes of the same. This deponent further saith, That besides the
goods by him in this his deposition predeposed, one John hassell likewise