HCA 13/70 f.189v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.189v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


a Merchant of this Citie (who went also passenger in the said hsipp the
Voyage in question) did in the moneth of October 1649. last past lade
and putt on board this deponents said shipp to be transported in the same to Saint
Lucar or Cadiz as aforesaid, the severall goods and merchandizes hereafter
specified, videlicet twelve bailes of goods marked and numbred with the firm markes and numbers in the margent,

1./ N H 1: 2: 3: 4:
5: 6: 7: 8:
12: 17: 21:
M x B1

for which this deponent signed three bills of ladeing all of one tenor to the use
and for the accompt and behalfe of the said John hassell, And saith
That about the same time the said John hassell did himself and for his
proper accompt lade and putt on board the said shipp seaven bayles one chest and two
Caskes of goods marked and numbred with the second markes and numbers
in the margent to be transported in the same as aforesaid, and

2/ M.H. 9: 10: 11: 13:
14: 15: 16: 18.
19: 20:

to that effect this deponent upon or about the lading of the same did with his
owmne hand signe and firme three bills of ladeing all of one tenor for the
said goods to the use and for the accompt aforesaid, but as to the particular quantities or
qualities or valews of the said goods or of any of them this deponent saith hee knoweth nothing
thereof, And further hee cannot depose saving that the said goods mentioned
in the said bills of ladeing and now predeposed were not entred into this deponents
said booke of Entries, by meanes whereof they were and are omitted
and not at all mentioned in the schedule interrate. And saving that the
said bills of lading for the said goods, (two whereof videlicet one of each of the
2. severall parcells this deponent haveing lately seene in the
hands of the said John hasell here at London, and having diligently
perused the same) were and are reall and true, and signed with the proper
handwriting of this deponent And further hee cannot depose./

Eustace Smith [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]