HCA 13/70 f.188v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/70 |
Folio | 188 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2014/12/31 |
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shipp under the Conduct of the said Junifer Plover both to severall
Parts in England and in the East Countrey, and elsewhere beyond the
seas, as this deponent both by his relation to the said Richard fffreeman
and by publique report, and by the acknowledgent of the said Plover
hath bin credibly informed, and beleeveth great advantages have
accrewed by and from such her imployments and Voiages, wherein and whereof
this deponent verily beleeveth the said Richard ffreeman ought to have
been participant proportionably to his share or part in the said shipp.
And further cannot depose./
To the rest of the positions of this Libell hee is not examined by direction
of the producent:-/
Repeated before doctor Clarke./
Steph: Ballow [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
december 20. 1654: [CENTRE HEADING]
A complaint of nullity on the behalf of Richard ffreeman}
and others part Owners of the shipp the Sara Bonadventure}
against Junifer Plover and others. Oythton: Suckley:}
Examined upon an Allegation
given on the behalf of the said
ffreeman and others/
Stephen Ballow of the parish of Saint Faith London
Leather seller aged 45. yeares or thereabouts a
Wittnes sworne and examined/
To the fowerth article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth, That hee
this deponent hath seene and perused the Inventarie of the goods Chattells
and rights of the arlate Robert ffreeman deceased, and upon perusall thereof
hath seene and observed , that one 16th part of the shipp the Sarah Bonadventure
arlate was and is charged and sett downe upon the foot of the said Inventarie
without any mention of the valew of the said 16th part, for that (as in and
by the said Inventarie was and is expressed) tghe said shipp was then out
upon a Voyage at sea, and saith hee beleeveth the arlate Richard
freeman Sonne of and Executor to the said Robert ffreeman his father
was by such his Executorshipp interessed in and duely entituled to the said
sixteenth part of the said shipp, and in that notion was and is on occasion
to be responsible for the same as part of the goods of the said deceased
entrusted to and with him as Executor aforesaid. And further to this article
hee saith hee cannot depose/
Upon the rest of the articles hee is not examined by direction of the producent
Repeated before doctor Clarke:-/
Stephen Ballow [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]