HCA 13/70 f.188r Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.188r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


december 20. 1654:- [CENTRE HEADING]

Richard ffreeman John Slowcombe John Neave William}
Close and Abraham Lewis against Junifer Plover and all}
others pretending interest in the shipp Sarah Bonadventure}
and her tackle and furniture.]

Examined upon a Libell given and
admitted on the behalf of the said
ffreeman and others/


Stephen Ballow of the parish of Saint Faith London
Leatherseller aged 45. yeares or thereabouts a Wittnes
sworne and examined:-/

To the first position of the said Libell hee saith and deposeth, That in the
yeare 1638. or thereabouts last past hee this deponent lived with and served
one Robert ffreeman a Leather seller (being the father of the Lilate Richard
ffreeman one of the producents in this Cause) And saith That in or about
the yeare aforesaid the said Robert ffreeman toke to wife the Relict of
one John Moore sometimes a Merchant of this Citie, and saith the said
Robert ffreeman after and upon his marriage with the said Relict, did in her
right become part Owner and Proprietor of the shipp the Sarah Bonadventure
arlate, whereof one Wade then was Master, and in such Ownershipp the said
Robert ffreeman comntinued till about the yeare 1643. last past, this deponent all
that time being his servant, and thereby well acquainted with his affaires and
interest, And the said ffreeman departing this life in or about the said yeare
1643:- the lilate Richard ffreemab his sonne being Executor of the last
Will and Testamebt and heire of the said deceased became thereby
possessed of the same interest in the said shipp which his deceased
father had formerly had and enjoyed, which this deponent well knoweth for that
in the yeare 1644: lilate or thereabouts this deponent byu order of the said
Richard ffreeman, whom this deponent then served, payd the summe of 12 li
10 s sterling to the lilate Junifer Plover then Master of the said shipp and one
Richard ffrancklin then esteemed part Owner of the said shipp, and that for
and upon accompt of a stocke of the said shipp, according to that part which
hee the said ffreeman then had in the same, But what part or parts share
or shares the said Richard ffreeman or Robert his father had in the said
shipp this deponent saith hee cannot declare, And further as to the parts or
shares which the lilate John Slowcombe and others have or pretend to have
in the said shipp this deponent knoweth not. And otherwise cannot depose saving
that the said Richard ffreeman hath bin accompted a part Owner
of the said shipp of this deponents observation, in the yeares 1644. 1645. 1646.
1647. and 1648. all or most of them, and in that time the said Junifer
Plover meeting severall times with this deponent upon the Royal Exchange
London, hath oftentimes demannded and asked of this deponent how his Owner Mr
ffreeman did, meaning the said Richard ffreeman; And saving that this [#]

deponent in the said yeare 1644. by the said Richard ffreemans order for and upon his
accompt and interest in the said shipp payd the summe of 17 li 5 s 7 1/2 d to the aforesaid
Richard ffrancklin for and upon occasion of a debt contracted and imposed upon the said
shipp in the Sound by the King of denmarke.

To the second poasition or article of the said Libell this deponent saith, That
during the time predeposed severall Voyages have bin made by the said