HCA 13/70 f.123v Annotate

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HCA 13/70 f.123v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 12th he saith all the salt was entred in the sayd
Charter parties, but for his owne wyne there was noe writing
made or signed

To the 13th he saith there was not any booke or other writing
att any tyme on board the sayd shipp for the said goods
besides the sayd Charterparty for Amsterdam

To the 14th and schedule signed Wouter Mighelson (sic) now
shewne him he saith he was examined since the sayd
seizure and his deposition taken in writing being
the paper now shewne and read to him which he saith is
tru, and acknowledgeth the subscription att the foot
thereof to be his handwriting. And further cannot

Wouter [?Michelson] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The fourth day of November .1654. [CENTRE HEADING]

On the behalfe of his highnes}
the Lord Protector against the shipp}
the Red Lyon whereof John}
Clauson May is master and}
against the goods in the same}

Examined upon Certayne Interrogatories
on the behalfe of his Highnes the
Lord Protector.

Jan Claeson May of Amsterdam Mariner
Master of the sayd shipp the Red Lyon aged
twenty eight yeares or thereabouts a witnes
sworne and examined saith and deposeth

To the 1st Interrogatory This deponent saith his sayd shipp
the Red Lyon did and doth belong to Amsterdam where all
the owners of her are Burghers and Inhabitants and are
by name, Phillipp and Samuell Dorville, Marcus Jansen
Mey and this deponent, all subiects of the States of
Holland. And the owner of the merchants lading being salt [#]

Jan [?Claussen] Moy [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]
is Jan [?XXX] Pelham
of Weymouth as
Martyn Lony the
lader thereof
did acquaint this
deponent. And
Jan [?Claussen] Moy [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]

saith that
this deponent and Company being all Hollanders are
Owners of one last and an half of the salt seized in the
sayd vessell, the rest belongeth to the sayd

Jan [?Claussen] Moy [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]

but what Country he is of or whose subiect this deponent knoweth not.

To the 2d he saith the sayd vessell tooke in her lading att
[?Polliquan] neare Croisach in ffrance, and the same (the sayd
11/2 last belonging to this deponent and Company excepted) was
laden by one Monsieur Lonye a merchant living in
Nantes, a frenchman and a subiect of the ffrench King, and
the sayd salt was to be delivered to John [?Hasson] a french
merchant or factor living at Chirbourg in Normandy
three miles from Cape de Hague for accompt and to follow
the order of the sayd John [#]. And the sayd vessell

Jan [?Claussen] Moy [SIGNATURE, LH MARGIN]

came directly from Pellion aforesaid. And further deposeth
